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​​"Amazing! Even though I changed my appearance perfectly today and tried to seem like a completely different person, you still figured it out."

"The knight who was temporarily assigned here didn't show too much nervousness in the presence of Prince Arnold. Your red eyes were the giveaway."

"I see, I see. Indeed, that makes sense. I'll keep that in mind for next time!"

Even though the disguise was detected, why does he seem so cheerful? Riche, somewhat puzzled, asked Raoul.

"Let's suppose for a moment. If you were an enemy of Galkhein and needed to investigate this country, how would you infiltrate?"

"Well, that's a closely guarded secret... But I won't keep quiet to my benefactor. At least, not like this time, where I pretend to have been 'just a knight from the start.'"

Raul, currently disguised as a knight, is here because of the mutual interest with Arnold. Arnold has tasked Raul with investigating if there are any spies infiltrated in the Galkhein Imperial Palace.

It seems that Raoul can be here as a knight because of Arnold's permission. The walls of the imperial palace are heavily guarded, and while a nimble cat might slip through, it's not so easy for a human to infiltrate secretly.

"The practical approach would be to prepare for several years, starting with joining the knight order."

"So, instead of pretending to be a fake knight, you'd actually become a real one."

"Exactly. Galkhein adopts the policy of accepting anyone as a knight based on merit, regardless of their background. From my perspective, it's one of the few weaknesses in Galkhein, an otherwise flawless nation."

Raoul continued, wiggling his index finger playfully.

"Well, His Majesty must be aware of that weakness. Despite advocating for meritocracy, the upper echelons of the knight order are dominated by nobles. Unless something significant happens, the chance of them being spies from another country is low."

(...Mr. Gutheil's father betrayed that premise, didn't he? As a lesson, the punishment would have been much harsher than if a commoner had been a spy.)

Given this context, it's indeed fair that Gutheil's son is allowed to remain a knight.

"In reality, infiltrating as a knight, no matter how you do it, wouldn't be worth it. The only exception is your Prince Arnold, who made his own personal bodyguard out of a commoner. If I were a spy and had to choose between infiltrating as a knight or trying to become your highness's personal bodyguard—no question, I'd go for your highness."

"...But that's implying that your highness hasn't been secretly furious about it?"

"No, no, no. It's not about that."

Riche tilted her head further, wondering.

Still, Raul's answers make sense.

For example, there was the time when Kyle and Michelle visited the Galkhein Imperial Palace. Rishe, disguised as a knight apprentice, had collaborated with Theodore to infiltrate.

It was a secret from Arnold, but it was quickly discovered, and she was caught by Theodore in the corridor. Riche was lost in thought at that time and since corridors are places where many people come and go, she let her guard down completely.

Even then, it wasn't that she missed Theodore's presence. What surprised Rishe was being grabbed by the wrist.

(The person who taught me how to read and erase presence was Raul from my hunting life. Thanks to thorough training, I could use it in my knight life too... If it were an ordinary person, I would have noticed them approaching.)

On the other hand, it's challenging when the person you're facing can erase their presence.

While it's difficult when you're on guard, it's even more challenging when you're off guard. On the first day of arriving at the Galkhein Imperial Palace, Riche took some time to notice Arnold behind her while she was looking down at the balcony.

(At that time, I noticed Arnold because he was deliberately exuding a playful killing intent to test me. If he had approached without a presence, I might not have noticed until he touched me...)

The two stories Riche asked Raul about reinforced her speculation.

(...The more I think about it, the more evidence I find that my imagination is correct.)

The icing on the cake was the discomfort she felt when talking to Dietrich earlier.

"Oops, it seems it's time to welcome our guest."

The sound of knocking echoed.

Since entry permission wasn't required, before answering, the door opened. A figure escorted by the knight dressed as Raoul entered.

Seeing the figure, Gutheil gasped.

After looking down at Gutheil, she smiled with a lonely expression.

Then, she turned to Riche and Arnold and introduced herself.

"I am Sylvia Hollingworth. I am delighted to be invited here tonight."

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 5 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now