Chapter 1

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I woke up to something wet all over my face. I pulled the comforter over my face to stop it, but that just made my dog dig and burrow under the comforter until she found my face again.

"okay fine" I sighed

I rolled out of bed and went to feed Remi then take her for a walk. I love being outside, I seemed to constantly crave it. I have always been like that. When I was little, I was always in the backyard or the woods building forts. I then got into trail running when I was older. I loved finding new trails and giving myself the challenge of finding my way home. 

I rented a small house. Two beds and one and a half baths with a beautiful little dining room and a kitchen that opened up to the living room. I used the room with the attached bathroom as my room with the other being my office. Also, of course a large backyard with a covered porch for Remi. I lived outside of Austin which made me living in a home more affordable. 

I started to get ready for the day when I returned. Even though I worked from home, getting in a routine was the best thing. I needed to look good to feel good. I am outside as much as possible so my skin is sunkissed. Especially it being spring, I had a small tan on my face with little freckles and my hair was starting to lighten up. Being constantly outside and in the sun was not the best for my skin so I did have a small and light skincare and makeup routine. I always finished with a light layer of mascara. My eyes are what sets me apart from most. My eyes are green with a little bit of blue at the center. I'd had always found it interesting that my eyes were two colors. Everyone else seemed to have just one solid color.

I got dressed in some jeans that hit me mid-waist and were loose around my ankles. My top was a short and hit right below where my jeans sit. It was a blue and white checkered button up shirt with a collar. I am definitely more of a tennis shoe sports bra girl but does not mean I don't like to dress up.

I started my day by making some coffee and starting on some emails. I then went to grab my phone from the charger. I turned it on for the first time this morning. I then made sure Remi had enough water for the day and all her toys were in her toy basket.

I quickly texted Zach a "Morning!".  Zach and I have been together now for a little over two years now. Zach is really smart and athletic. He plays professional lacrosse and getting his MBA online. I do not remember how it happened but once we met, we started texting and never stopped. He is fun, adventurous and strong. Its fun to have a boyfriend in the same friend group. My best friend and his best friend were dating first so doing group things has always been really fun. Now he is all I have left here, all of our friends moved away. Thats just being an adult I guess.

I worked on some emails and then did a little prep for my meeting at 11. I am a project manager. So I pick the vendors, organize the schedules and make sure things run on track.  It is a great stay at home job. Although, my outgoing self is running out of outlets. Between workout classes, the store and Zach's friends through lacrosse, I am not seeing very many people.

I finished my day around 4 and headed to the store to pick up ingredients to make dinner tonight. I enjoyed cooking, Im not amazing but I liked trying out new recipes. I did not have to worry about only making one portion as Zach would bring teammates cover for dinner almost every night. I loved having people over, I don't mind cooking for them. Plus, I get to be around people which I don't get during the day. 

There is also another part of me that wants to nurture others. I want to know that I am helping someone or making a difference. I don't get that working from home during the day. My job does not fulfill me and it shouldnt. But I have been wanting more recently. I just don't know what more of. So having people over for dinner and playing cards or dominos has been filling that void just a little bit. 

I  started to make dinner.  I never knew for sure how many people would come, they would just show up. I jumped when my door slammed opened. 

"woah what happened" I asked. I scanned Zach for any injuries and then quickly glanced at the door and the wall to make sure there was no damage. 

"Nothing. It's fucking ridiculous" Zach stormed past me and into the living room. Anger wafted off him and filled the house. His best friend Max followed him in. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"You might need to check on him in a little. He kicked his car door in when he saw a scratch on the front" He said. 

I nodded silently and peaked outside to see the little silver car right side passenger door with a huge dent in it.

I sighed. Probably couldn't open the passenger door. Ill have to take his car in later this week. 

 Zach is very passionate and his anger can get out of control sometimes. He never takes it out on people, unless its sports but he has learned to control it in his own way. His stuff does take a beating though. I just have to let him work through it until he calms down and give him some space.

I quietly went into the kitchen and kept working on dinner. Max and I chatted a little bit. We were good friends. He used to date my best friend before Zach and I got together. Now my best friend was off finding herself in another country.  

"Hey! isn't it your birthday tomorrow? what are you planning on doing?" Max asked sitting at the island.

"I think Zach and I are just going to go to dinner, nothing special." 

"Hey! im special so it will be special." Zach chimed in. 

"ah yes you are very special Zach." Max laughed.

Zach was smiling and laughing now. He pulled me closer to his strong chest and give me a squeeze. That squeeze always gave me a sense of protection. He then helped me with the dishes. He took out the trash and gave me a hug and kiss goodnight then left. Zach rarely spent the night because they had early morning workouts so some of the guys could make it to work after.

I then took a bath and then got ready for bed. Remi jumped in bed beside me as I started to settle in. I rubbed her ears as I sighed "alright, I guess its time to go to sleep and face tomorrow. At least you will be there for me" I laid down and Remi snuggled closer to my head and I fell fast asleep. Tomorrow I would be 25.

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