Chapter 5

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I should be feeling excited. I wasn't the only werewolf. But all I felt was fear. I quickly took off back to my campsite, zipped myself inside my tent and climbed under the covers.

Well. Now what do I do.

Maybe it would be a good thing if they found me, I could learn more about everything. There were just so many unknowns. Did I want to actually know? I feel like this is going to open a can of worms that I am not ready for.

Remi climbed up on the air mattress with me  and I pulled her a little closer so I could feel some comfort. I'm not ready to face more like me, I'm still getting to know this other part of me. Maybe I would feel different another time. This trip was all about me learning about myself and I wasn't planning on telling anyone.

I pulled out my phone to distract my mind. No texts from Zach, that kinda stings. He knew I was going camping by myself this weekend. I could tell by his stories though that he went out so I guess he is busy. I'll hear from him tomorrow. I need to tell him, I don't like keeping this to myself anymore.

I scrolled until my eyes grew heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and made myself coffee and some breakfast. I still tried to keep my mind from seeing those other wolves.

I decided to explore around with Remi today in human form and just see some of the sights and think. We took this shorter loop around to see some of the sights. It was on top of this huge canyon. Everything was dried up rivers that had etched themselves into the rock over a hundred years. We also ran into a lot of people on the hike, so I turned it into a game of me trying to guess how many people would be in a group by distinguishing between the smells.

Remi and I spent most of the day wandering around and going back and forth to the campsite. I still had not made my decision on what I was going to do tonight and now it was time for dinner.

As I cooked outside the tent, I kept looking at the direction of where I saw the wolves the night before. It was pretty far away. From the map I have it's about 10 miles from the campsite. I could just go take a peek.

Who knew when I would have another opportunity like this to meet others like me. I had to take it. Or at least try.

I completed the same routine that I did last night and began to make my way towards the canyon. It was about 6pm so I had plenty of light to make my way there and back. Just a peek. If it feels off, I will immediately come back.

I took one last look at my campsite over my shoulder and took off toward the canyon where I saw the wolves the night before.

I kept sniffing the air to try to find what direction they would be but I was finding nothing.

Over near the canyon is alot more life. Theres water, trees and many animals. Which the animals big or small did not seem bothered by me. As I crossed a river to the other side of the canyon, the scent hit me. It was strong, there seemed to be multiple scents together. Maybe 3?

I slowed down my pace and stayed near the river so they could not flank me from one side at least. the scents started to separate and spread out around me.

oh man. I knew this wasnt a good idea. i started to feel the aura of anger and protectiveness all around me. I started to walk backwards toward the river. Soon 3 wolves came into few, slowly closing in around me. They were darker wolves, pretty large and clearly male. They all had the same underlying scent with little differences.

The wolf in the middle of the other two shifted into a man. A completely naked man by the way.

"who do you belong to, shift and announce yourself"

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