Chapter 2

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I woke up from the sun peering through my windows. I blinked trying to adjust to the light and  turned over to look at my phone, it was 8:30. I slowly rolled out of bed to feed Remi and get ready for the day.

I decided to door dashed a nice coffee from my favorite coffee shop as a treat and take a slow morning answering emails. Its always an extra special treat when you don't have to get it yourself.

As I was sitting on the couch with my laptop in my lap, I felt a sharp pain throughout my body. Oh man, I guess that coffee did not agree with me. I snuggled up on the couch and put my computer on the coffee table to let the pain pass. The pain was surged on and off throughout my body and now, I was getting light headed. I suddenly heard my phone ringing.

"hello?" I groaned.

"Hello birthday girl! Are you just now waking up?" Zach beamed.

"No, all of a sudden I really don't feel well. Everything is starting to hurt." I started to feel sweat fall down my face. "I think I have a fever"

"oh no. Okay why don't you take a nap? I'll come check on you later"

"yeah okay" I mumbled.

I hung up and placed my phone on the table as I curled up in more pain. I started to break out in little shakes and sweat broke out over every part of my body.

I got up to go get a thermometer. I almost made it to the kitchen when I cried out in pain and fell to the cool floor. Every bone in my body hurt and felt like it was breaking. I tried to get up to call 911. Something was seriously wrong. I had no strength to move. I was slowly going in and out of consciousness as the pain intensified. I started shaking uncontrollably. Am I having a seizure? Sweat was now all over the floor. Remi was standing next to me trying to figure out what was going on. I really should have invested in a smart watch, that would be the first thing I buy when I wake up. It's okay, Zach will come soon. He will take care of me soon. I thought as I finally let the darkness take me from the pain.

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was still laying on the floor. The pain was gone. Thank goodness. I guess that coffee just really did not agree with me. I went to stand up to find my phone to let Zach know I am feeling better and to see just how long I was out. I was out for about 30 minutes it looked like.

I stood up and everything felt a little off. Like everything was slightly out of place. The living room and kitchen it was like everything was slightly higher? I shook it off and walked over to my phone on the coffee table. I tried to reach out for it and a white paw reached out in place of my hand. I guess I am not better. I need to lie down. I heard a whimper in the corner of the room and found Remi shaking and cowering. I opened my mouth to comfort her but nothing came out.

Thats odd. What is going on with me.

I walked closer to her and she became more fearful. I could feel her fear surge as I went closer. I looked at her with confusion. She finally paused and timidly walked toward me with her head down. She started to carefully sniff me face and then slowly moved to the back of me to sniff my butt.

Im sorry what. My butt?!

My eyes followed her and they got wider as I saw a white furry butt with a TAIL.

This is one crazy dream. I guess I haven't fully woken up yet.

I know. Ill go find a mirror and try to see myself in the mirror. They say you can't see your reflection in a dream. I walked over to my room to my floor length mirror. I looked dead in the eyes of a large white wolf. With largely blue eyes with green in the middle, that seemed somewhat familiar. The wolf was as tall as the king bed of mine and almost as long. She was completely Snow White with a black nose.

Alright so I guess you can see yourself in a dream. I will try running into something to cause some pain to wake me up I guess. I walked out into the living room. Remi was still staring at me unmoving unsure of what to do. I looked at the back door.

Alright, Ill run straight into that. The dream should allow the door to open and I will wake up soon without feeling pain. I walked backwards to give myself a good running start. Remi was still watching me intensely as she saw what I was about to do. I took off and jumped head first into the door. I came crashing into it.

"okay ouch." I thought. My head was kind of stunned from the impact. I looked up to see a mangled door and definitely broken doggy door. There was no way Remi was going to be able to use that. I stood up as Remi came running over the check it out. Thats when the overload of terrible smells hit me.

"oh my, what is that. It smells like rotten food" I thought. I wanted to vomit. All the smells were so overwhelming. I walked away from the strong smells that I think were coming from the kitchen back into my room. I looked into the mirror and still saw the large white wolf.

I cocked my head and so did the wolf. I picked up my leg and so did she.

Interesting. Am I really a wolf?

Thats when I noticed the ripped clothing bits on her. There was a shirt collar very stretched and tattered around her neck that looks like the shirt I was wearing this morning. My eyes widen, I peaked back into the living room and sure enough there were all my clothes ripped to shreds.

Darn it. That was a good bra too.

I should be freaking out. Why am I not freaking out? Im calm, this peace took over me. Like this was missing from me. I sat there longer and admired myself. I did not realize wolves were this large. When I stand up on my hind legs I bet I am even taller than Zach.

ZACH! he was coming over. I don't even know what time it is. He can't see me like this. Shit how do I change back. What if I can't change back. What am I going to do. I started pacing around my room. Remi had come in and was sitting in front of me watching me pace back and forth with her eyes.

I started to think about how I will never be able to grab anything again or run with Zach again. I looked at the picture of Zach and I on my night stand. We were smiling at the top of our hike. I looked at the cute outfit I was wearing. What would it be like to not wear clothes ever again? I stared at my human body longer and then I started to feel a similar pain before wash over me. My bones started breaking and this time I accepted the pain earlier.

I watched myself slowly change back into my naked human form and ended up laying on the ground. Still with the wide t-shirt ring on my. It was very stretched out to when I stood up it fell straight to the ground. I quickly moved into the living room to grab my phone. It was 2pm. Zach had called me at 11:30. So I was out for awhile or was I a wolf for awhile?

I looked down and still saw all my torn clothes on the ground. Guess im going to have to throw those away. I then noticed I was completely naked and went to go change. I came back to throw my clothes away and clean up. I looked at my back door which had caved in the middle where I had hit it.

"guess Im gonna have to get a new door" I sighed.

I fell back on the couch with exhaustion. What in the world am I going to do. All of a sudden hunger hit me very hard. I scoured the kitchen for food but nothing seem to satisfy me. I quickly ordered 5 chickfila sandwiches and 5 large fries to show up. I glanced at my phone and I still had not heard from Zach. I had no idea what his plans were for the day but I was starving.

When the food FINALLY showed up, which was the longest 25 minutes of my life. Zach had texted me back and asked if I was feeling better. He told me he would come over right after work to take me to dinner.

Which that made me a little anxious giving, I just turned into a wolf and I have no idea how I did that or if it will happen again. So I told him I was still not feeling well and we can do dinner another time.

As I sat on the couch worrying about every little possibility there was to this. I started to question everything. How was I a wolf? Were my family wolves? Was I the only one?

My worrying could only keep me up for so long until my exhaustion took over and I fell into a deep sleep.

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