Chapter 3

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I'm in the dressing room with the rest of the girls just practicing.

"You ready to do our new song?" Valerie asks me and basically lays on me. Since we're close in age and play the same instrument we are best friends.

"Yeah I'm ready. What about yall?" I ask and look up to the rest of them.

"Hell yeah" Celia says and I smile at that response.

"When are we on?" I ask no one in particular.

"Like 2 minutes" Kendra says and I nod and tap Valerie's shoulder.

"Get up we got to get ready" I say and she gets up and grabs her guitar. I put a black jacket over my white tank top and get up too. Eventually we get up and go backstage to wait for our turn. Tonight we would be performing our new song 'love for you'.

We get on stage and I look through the crowd. I smile seeing the big crowd before me. I look at the bar and there is Dion. He waves at me and I give him a little head nod.

We start the song, well Kendra starts the song since the drums are first. Then Sonia on the bass. I start singing into the mic and Valerie does the rhythm guitar.

I hold on to my guitar behind my back with the hand I'm not using to hold the mic in place.

We get about halfway through the song and I swing my guitar around to the front so I can play my solo. I lean back down into the mic.

"Can I play my guitar?" I ask the crowd and they start cheering. I look at Valerie and she smirks at me which I do back and start playing my guitar. In the middle of my solo I drop to my knees and continue the solo.

Then I stop picking and start doing hammer ons and pull offs continuing the sound. I put the pick in my teeth and reach my hand into the crowd.

I pull it back quick enough before people could grab me. I stand back up and grab my pick to continue the solo. Then I stop playing my solo and let Valerie take over. I start singing again.

The song is almost over and I look into the crowd. I see Dion still in that corner at the bar then I look somewhere else and see someone I've never seen before.

He's a lighter complexion than me and looks pretty tall. He has lot of curly hair and a little bit of a goatee. I turn my attention away from him as I almost forgot my lyrics.

The song starts to come to an end and I'm done singing. The instrumental is still playing and I look back at that guy again whose hasn't taken his eyes off of me yet. I wink at him and throw him my pick before turning around and walking off the stage.

About a minute later the rest of the girls don't follow me as I go straight out to the club. I feel all the eyes on me which when I'm not on stage makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. I walk further out into the club but I'm stopped by that guy. He walks up to me with a giant smile on his face.

"Oh my god you're even more beautiful in person" he says while studying me from my head down to my feet. His compliment makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and I fight back a smile.

"Why are you here?" I ask him and he seems to snap out of whatever trance that he was in and looks me in my eyes.

"I want you" he says and my eyes widen a little.

What does he mean by that? Not that I would mind...

"What...?" I ask and he slowly leans in to my lips and closes his eyes. I lean in too and we meet in a kiss. The kiss is sloppy and I feel his arms snake around my waist and it almost felt like he didn't know what he was doing. I break the kiss for a second.

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