Chapter 4

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"Come here sexy" I call out to Valerie and she walks towards me. We're the last ones in the dressing room and we're about to go to the others. We walk out of the dressing room and I have my arm around Valerie's shoulders.

I see Betty out the corner of my eye getting ready to go to her dressing room. Which just so happens to be near where we're standing. She walks in front of us then laughs.

"faggot" she calls me then walks away.

"What the hell?" I hear Valerie whisper under her breath.

"It's alright. I got something for her" I say and we keep walking to the table where everyone is. Valerie sits down but I look around real quick then spot what I'm looking for.

"Yall I'm leaving so...bye" I say then start to walk off.

"Wait a minute you just got here where are you going?" Dion asks me.

"To handle something" I say then leave the table. I walk over to the table closest to the stage and sit down in front of the man that Betty be talking to. He's wearing a black half way buttoned up shirt with black pants. His eyes widen and he looks me up and down. He seems surprised to see me. I smirk at him then lean over the table to get closer to him.

"You wanna go for a ride?" I ask him and look into his eyes. He immediately gets up.

"Yes" he says and I smirk. he helps me up by taking my hand and pulling me up gently. I take his hand and lead him outside to my bike. He gets on the back and hugs me tight around my waist. We drive back to my house and I lead him inside and upstairs to my room.

We lay down on the bed and he wastes no time and starts kissing me. I smirk into the kiss just thinking about what Betty's reaction would be. I run my hands down his body from his chest down to about the bottom of it where he has his shirt buttoned. I grab both sides of his open shirt and slowly rip it open. He starts to take off mine too.


The next morning.

I wake up with someone on top of me. He notices me starting to move a little then rolls off of me. He's in his boxers and I'm in my bra and underwear.

"I should be leaving now" he says then gets up to put his clothes on.

"Yeah you should. Tell Betty I said hi" I say and his eyes widen ever so slightly as if he's realizing what he just did. I laugh at his face.

"You want a ride?" I ask him and he looks back then down at the floor. I know he doesn't have his car because I brought him here.

"Yeah" he says and I get up and put my clothes on. We walk downstairs and go outside. I get on my bike and turn it on he gets on the back and hold me around my waist again.

"You want me to drop you off at hers?" I turn my head to ask him.

"I think you know damn well I don't" he says back which makes me laugh a little.

"Alright fine" I say then start driving.


We get to his house and I park my bike on the street in front of his house. He gets off then turns to face me.

"Watch my show tonight?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No I'm watching Betty's" he tries to deny like we didn't just have sex last night.

"Come a little early I'm sure she won't mind" I tell him with a smirk on my face and he shakes his head.

"I can't do that to her" he says and I roll my eyes and scoff.

"You act like we didn't just fuck. You can do that to her but you can't come to my show?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Yeah and I know you're just messing with me" he tells me and he's not wrong.

"Come here, you got something on your face" I say and he starts to wipe his face.

"Where?" He asks.

"Just come here damn" I say and he moves closer. I put my hand on the side of his face and kiss his cheek.

"I'm out" I say before he could even react and start driving away.

I walk into the club and push past everyone to get back to the dressing room.

"There you are. Why you always get here after us?" Kendra asks and I chuckle at her question.

"I'm here aren't I?" I say and take my guitar off my back and put it down on the couch.

"How long we got until we're on?" I ask nobody in particular.

"About 20 minutes" Sonia says and I nod and lay down on the couch.

"Oh we got time" I say and relax myself on the couch.

"You got 10 minutes" Celia says and I nod.

"Exactly" I say back and after a little I get up and get dressed and take my hair out so it's down. We all go backstage and get ready for the show.

We finally get in and start playing our music. I start singing and skim through the crowd and see Betty and whoever her man is.

I never even got his name. Oh well.

I wink at him and he turns away and blushes slightly. Betty looks at him immediately after that happens and starts yelling at him. I smile at the scene unfolding in front of me. We finish our song and get off the stage.

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