Chapter 10

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I open my eyes and look around. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands and open them again.

Chris is gone.

I yawn as I get up out of bed. I stretch then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I take a shower.

When I get out the shower I dry myself off and put my clothes on. I go downstairs and into my mini studio and start messing with some instrumentals.

When I get finished, I check the time and realize it's already 2:55.

Oh shit. Chris's graduation.

I get up from my chair and thank god I'm already dressed so I don't have to go through all of that again. I get up from my chair and go upstairs. I grab my keys from my table and go outside. I get on my bike and turn it on then drive off.

It takes about 10 minutes to get to the school from my house so I end up getting there at about 3:06. I pull up to the school and park my bike on the street. Of course since my engine is loud I see a few heads turn my way.

I turn off the engine and get off the bike. I walk down to where everyone is at and a few boys come up to me.

"Wow he wasn't lying" one of them says.

"Your name's Royal right? Your Chris's girl?" The other one asks me and I look at them confused.

"What...?" I ask because I really have no clue who they are or what's going on.

"Your Royal right? With the female band we seen on tv?" Another one asks again and I nod.

"Yeah but how do you guys know that?" I ask them because I know I ain't famous yet.

"Chris told us. We saw you guys on tv" one of them says.


"So where's the rest of yall at?" The other one asks with a smirk on his face. I sigh and shake my head.

"Don't" I all I say then he shrugs.

"What? You fine so the whole band must be" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Royal" I hear somebody call out my name. It's Chris.

"Hey...why you don't got your stuff on" I ask him because he has his cap and gown in his hand.

"Because this shit looks fucking stupid" he says and I take his hat from his hands and place it on his head.

"Come on it's just for one day and I'm sure your mother would want to see you in it" I tell him but then he takes his hat off again.

"Man this shit is cramping my style though. I can't just get graduated in my clothes?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No. Now put your stuff on. You look nice either way" I say and reach to put the hat back on his head. He smiles at me as I do it.

"Don't take it off until it's over too" I say and he nods.

"Fine" he says. I look around to see that his friends went somewhere.

"Also, you been walking around here calling me your girl?" I ask him.

"Where did you get that information from?" He asks me and I already know from his reaction that the answer is yes.

"Your loud mouth friends" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Alright fine. Maybe once or twice" he says and I laugh.

"Get your stuff on so you can go graduate" I tell him and he nods then walks away from me. I look around and see a bunch of people parked on the grass so I got back to my bike to park on the grass too. I turn it off then just sit on it while watching from afar.

We're about 20 minutes in and all they've done so far is talk.

Damn this is longer than I remember.

After about 30 minutes of them reading out names they finally get to Chris. I clap as they say his name then out my head back down for the rest of the ceremony.

It's finally over and everyone is getting up and going to hug their child. I see Chris hug his mom then start walking my way.

"You did it" I say and he smiles at me.

"Hell yeah I did. I finally don't have to go back to that hell hole" he says and I chuckle.

"Unless you wanna go to college" I say and he shakes his head.

"Nope. I am not going to college" he tells me then looks back. I try to file his line of sight but there's so many people that I have no clue what or who he's looking at.

"Well I have to go now" he says then steps closer and kisses me on my cheek then walks away. My heart flutters as I watch him walk away. He gets to who I assume is his mother and I start my engine and carefully and slowly turn around to leave so I don't kick up any dirt.


I go back to my mom and I look back as I hear her bike engine and watch her drive away.

She's perfect.

"Is that the girl you sneak out every night to see?" My mom she's new and I nod.

"Yeah" I say and turn back around so I'm looking at my mother.

"Well you need to stop it" she says and I roll my eyes knowing that she just like to hear herself talk.

"Yeah whatever" I say back as we walk back to the car and get in.

"Well if you're gonna keep seeing her I wanna meet her" she says and I groan.

"Seriously mom? I don't want you to meet her" I say knowing that she'll find something wrong and be I can't see her again.

"Well I don't want you to sneak out every damn night but here we are" she counters and I sigh.

"Whatever. Fine. You can meet her" I say back as we drive home


Royal LadiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon