Chapter 11

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It's about 5:30 or so now and I'm sitting on my couch strumming random chords on my guitar. I hear a car go by as usual. But I can still hear this one like it's sitting in the front of my house.

There's not band practice today right? Did I forget again...?

I put my guitar down on the couch and get up to go to the window. I open the curtains a little and look at the car.

That's not Kendra's car. Or any car that I know.

The car then starts revving the engine. Its a nice black sports car. It almost looks like a Pontiac. I try to get a closer look at the car or try to see whose in it but the windows are tinted. Then the window rolls down.

I go to my front door and open it. It's Chris. He waves me over and I walk over there and lean down into the window.

"Sweet ride" I say and he smiles

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"Sweet ride" I say and he smiles.

"You like it?" He asks and I nod.

"Like it? Man this one of the best cars I ever seen with my own eyes" I tell him then stand up straight so my head is now past the window.

"Wait baby where you going? Get in. Let me take you for a ride" he says and I lean back down to look at him.

"You got a license boy?" I ask him and he nod.

"I been had the license. I just never had the car" he says then reaches over to the passenger side to open my door and I get in his car. The leather seats are hard but comfy at the same time.

"Also, I'm taking you out somewhere" he tells me then reaches into his backseat to grab something. He grabs it and brings it back up and hands it to me. It's another beautiful paper rose. This one is pink.

"For you, beautiful" he says and I take it as a smile grows on my face. He puts the car in drive then smoothly slides his hand under mine and intertwined our fingers.

"You don't ever get nervous do you?" I ask him as he pulls off from the spot he was at.

"Should I be?" He asks and k just shake my head.

"I guess not. So where are we going?" I ask him and he looks at me real quick then back at the road.

"I'm taking you to a drive in. You like scary movies?" He asks me and I hesitate at that.

"Aw come on, don't tell me that a little horror movie scares you" he teases me and I shake my head.

" I'm good with that" I lie straight through my teeth.

"That's good then" he says and continues driving. He turns on the radio and I look out the window at everything passing by.

"I like you with your hair down" he tells me and I smile.

"I know that..." I say and eventually we come across a big sign that says 'Drive In'.

"Excuse me" he says then lets my hand go to dig in his pocket to grab his wallet. He takes out 6 dollars and gives it to the guy.

"How you got all this money for this?" I ask him.

"I work" is all he says before taking my hand again and driving to an empty spot. He parks the car then lets my hand go.

"Come on. Let's get in the back" he says.

"What?" I ask him.

"Let's get in the back, so we can be next to each other" he says then starts to climb into the back and I move out his way so he can get through.

"Seriously?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah. Come on" he says and I sigh.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I climb into the back with him and sit down next to him. He snakes his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him. The movie starts and it's already creeping me out. Chris must notice this and hold me tighter.

"You scared already? Come on the movie just started" he says and I lean into him some more.

"I ain't scared" I lie again even though I kinda am.

"Oh my god what is that!?" He asks then points behind me and I jump and stupidly look in the direction and of course there's nothing there.

"Can you not?" I say and put my head down in his chest.

"Ok ok I'm sorry. I'll stop" he says but I can clearly hear the amusement in his voice. Eventually I end up falling asleep on his chest.

"Royal, Royal wake up baby" he says and I jolt up.

"Huh? What? I slept through the movie?" I ask him and he smiles at me and nods.

"Yes you did. But it was cute. We should do it again" he says and I smile and shake my head. I climb back into the front seat and he does the same.

"Want me to bring you home?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yeah...unless you had something else planned" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No I don't" he says then starts driving with his hand in mine. I look out the window as everything goes by. We get back to my house and this time he pulls into my driveway instead of parking on the street.

"Thank you" I say and take my seatbelt off. I lean in to kiss his cheek but when I get there he moves his head and captures my lips in his. I continue to kiss him as he runs his hands all over me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me and I nod. We keep kissing until I pull away and open my door. He opens his too and follows me inside the house. He closes and locks the door behind him.

"Don't you gotta get home to your mama?" I ask him and he gets behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Not yet. I just got here" he says as he lays his head down on my shoulder. I take his hands off of me and go upstairs. I take off my shirt and put on some shorts and get in bed.

He does the same minus the shorts and lays right next to me. He moves closer to me and drapes his arm across my waist and lightly places kisses all over my neck. I giggle and push him away.

"Listen Royal I gotta tell you something" he says and I turn his way.

"What?" I ask.

"My mom...she said she wants to meet you" he tells me and I shake my head.

"Absolutely not. Nope" I say.

"Why?" He asks me.

"Parents don't like me. I don't think your mother will either" I say.

"Well she knows I'm seeing you. So she wants to just meet you" he says and I shake my head.

"No boy" I tell him again then turn away from him. He gets right behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"Well you'll have to meet her eventually..." he says.

"I'll see her later then" I say and he sighs. I close my eyes to take a nap.


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