ARC 3.15

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After ensuring Adria had calmed down from crying, Damien looked at her as he gently tugged her hair behind her ear.

'D-Do you know her before? Are you guys l-lovers?' Adria's voice wavered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears once more. 'I-I apologize for prying. I know we're not particularly close, and it's not my place to ask such questions. You don't need to answer them'.

'No, you can ask me anything. I don't know her. In fact, this is the first time I've seen her.' Damien reassured her, his words spilling out in a rush. 'I would never associate with someone like her.'

'Is that really so?' Adria whispered.

'Absolutely. I would never lie to you. But you mentioned our relationship being distant. Is it really what you think?" Damien's voice held a hint of urgency now, his heart pounding as he continued. "Clara, I realize this might be unexpected, but I fear that if I don't express my feelings now, I may never have the chance. I've fallen for you since the moment we met. It might sound impulsive, but my affection for you is genuine. I've never experienced anything like this before. I swear on my name that I would never wrong you as long as my soul persists. Please, consider giving me a chance. You don't have to respond immediately. Take all the time you need. I'll wait for your answer patiently.'

Adria's heart fluttered with a mixture of emotions as Damien poured out his feelings. "Damien..." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Adria's heart fluttered at Damien's earnest confession, yet she couldn't bring herself to accept his proposal, not just yet. She smiled softly, her eyes meeting his with warmth as she gently placed her hand over his.

"Damien, your words mean more to me than you can imagine," she began, her voice soft yet sincere. "I... I need a little time to sort out my feelings. It's not that I don't feel anything for you. In fact, quite the opposite. But there are things I need to figure out before I can fully commit." As much as she wanted to accept his proposal, Adria decided not to accept it quickly since it would be way too much OOC. 

She just wanted to make Damien eager to be with her but never did she thought he would straight away confess to her, it made her so happy and sad at the same time. Clara, no matter what, as an introverted person, would not fall in love with a person she has only met a couple of times, so she decided to slow things down a bit. 

Damien's hopeful expression didn't waver, his eyes still filled with adoration as he squeezed her hand gently. "I understand, Clara. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting for you. Just knowing you're considering it fills me with hope."

Damien dropped her off at her cafe and left right away to give her some time to think about his confession. He didn't want her to feel his presence pressuring her.

Adria walked inside the cafe pretending to be in a daze. Seeing her zoned out like this Riza hugged her from behind suddenly making Adria scream in fear.

'Sister Riza!That scared me!' Adria spoke still trying to calm her non-existent "fast" heartbeat.

'Hehe, sorry I just saw that you were so dazed and wanted to scare you, by the way what made you think so much that you are pretty zoned out like this?' 

As soon as she finished her words she found that Clara's face turned into a deep shade of red.

Adria fidgeted with the strap of her bag,as if trying to gather the courage to bring up the topic that was weighing heavily on her mind. She took a deep breath and then looked at Riza, her voice barely above a whisper.

'Um,sister Riza...My friend has a situation...what do you think my friend should do if... if someone confessed to them but they're not sure how they feel about that person?'

Riza's eyes lit up mischievously as she realized what Adria was alluding to. With a playful grin, she leaned in closer, pretending to be genuinely interested in Adria's "friend's" situation.

'Hmm, interesting dilemma' Riza said, her tone teasing. 'Well, it depends. How does your friend feel about this person who confessed to them?'

Adria's cheeks flushed even redder as she stumbled over her words. 'Um, well... my friend... she's in a bit of a pickle. You see, she thinks this person is really nice and all, but... she's not entirely sure what to make of her feelings. They've only met a few times, but each encounter has been filled with such warmth and kindness. She enjoys spending time with them, but... she doesn't quite understand these emotions stirring within her. It's all so new...... and..... confusing.' Adria spoke with gentle look in her eyes as tried to describe her feelings.

Riza was enjoying the look of seeing Clara falling in love without knowing herself.

'So, who is the person that confessed to you, Little sis?' Riza asked with a mischievous tone. 

'I-it's that person who came to our coffee shop the other day... Wait... how did you find out it was me? N-no, never mind, forget that I asked the question... Just forget everything I said...' With a flustered expression, she attempted to backtrack, but then spotted Amy needing assistance and used the opportunity to escape the conversation. 'Ah, looks like Sister Amy needs help, I will go over there. Please, just forget everything I mentioned.'

As Adria rushed away, her cheeks still burning, Riza couldn't help but chuckle to herself. 'Fufufu, being young is a wonderful thing'she mused, adopting a playful tone reminiscent of a wise grandmother, only to receive a gentle knock on her head from Lize.

'You! How many times do I have to tell you not to tease Clara?' Lize scolded, though there was a hint of amusement in her voice.

'But she looks so adorable, like a little rabbit. I can't resist!' Riza spoke with glee. 

'Anyway, it seems our little rabbit might be swept off her feet by that wolf who visited our cafe the other day.'

Lize's expression turned thoughtful. 'Don't you think he's moving a bit too fast? What if he doesn't take Clara seriously?'

Riza's eyes lit up with mischief as she hatched a plan. 'You're right. Maybe we should test him! Oh, I have an idea. I'll find Clara and give her some advice to ensure he treats her with the care and love she deserves.'

With a gleam of mischief in her eyes, Riza was already plotting her next move, ready to ensure that a certain someone's life is miserable for a few days. Lize just watched her walking away and shook her feeling a bit of pity for that person.

Damien who was sitting in the car and thinking about his proposal couldn't help but sneeze suddenly.

A.N - Hi my dear lovelies!!!! Hope you all having a good day. Love y'all, Byeeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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