ARC 1.5

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As Adria was driving her car.....LIL decided to ask the one thing that's been nagging in it's mind since the party.

**Host, Why Are You Making A Move On The Male Lead? What Are You Planning To Do ? ʕ•Ε•ʔ **

*So you finally decided to ask, took you long enough (smirks) I want to make him my close friend, so that when the female lead comes, I will be able to tear her double face mask.....Tell me LIL, if there is a situation where you have to choose between your close friend and your just joined employee....who would you choose? ^.^ *

LIL finally understood what it's host was planning.

**But Still....Host , The Male Lead Is Person Who Holds Justice More Than Anything --

*LIL Do you really think that two faced brat would get into a situation without doing something wrong (~_^) ....I will just point out her mistakes at that time and she being a bitch she is, I'm sure she would act like I bullied her. If it was the original plot the male lead would listen to her cries and offend people who made her cry forgetting his principles but if I become his close aid then he may see through the situation and he may be disgusted with her, hmmmmm......with his personality he may even fire her (⌒o⌒) *

LIL could only stay dumbstruck as it heard her words...(Wow..My Host Is Sooo Brilliant (。・Ω・。) ....And Also Scary >_< ) LIL shivered seeing it's host smiling evilly. Then he had a doubt again!

**Host , Don't You Think He Will Forgive Her Since She Was His Saviour Who Saved His Life? ~_~ **

*Why is she going to be his saviour when I'm the one who is going to save him? (ツ) *(smirks)

**What Are---Woah !Host Is Soo Intelligent, You Are Planning On Saving The Male Lead Before She Saves Him!!! ⊙_⊙ **

With this the system's admiration for it's host has reached a peak.

*LIL can I access the system store now?*

**Right Now Host Doesn't Have Any Points...Maybe Host Can Try Using The Spin Tickets...You Can Also Get Points As A Part OF THE REWARD (๑¯Ω¯๑) **

*Then use one spin ticket LIL*

**Wahhhh....Host Your Luck Is So Great ....You Got A Love-Hate Meter , A Compatibility Meter And Finally 2000 Points As Your Rewards (*'▽'*)♪ **

*LIL..are you sure you didn't use both the spins? (~_^) *

**Affirmative Host...I Only Used A Single Ticket...This Is The Advantage Of Using A Spin Ticket...You'll Never Know What You Will Get. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ **

*So what does those meters do?*

**Host With Love-Hate Meter You Could Find A Person's Love Or Hate Towards You. The Compatibility Meter Tells The Compatibility Between Two People Host Chooses, When The Compatibility Meter Is 100% Then Those Two People Are Said To Be Soul Mates**

*Soul mates?*

**YES HOST, Every One Has A Soul Mate, But The Chances Of Them Meeting Each Other Is So Low, But When They Do Meet, They Will Naturally Be Attracted To Each Other, Their Souls Will Be Tied To Each Other. Their Souls Will Not Be Separated**

*I really got some rare treasures huh?*

**Yes Host!! (*'▽'*)♪ **

*Open the system store, LIL*

**Here Host**

Adria skimmed through the list of items in the store, she just wanted to know what are the things that could be used for her plan. After noting down some items in her mind she came out of the store.

*There's quite a lot of things that are useful...only the prices are high (sighs) ( ̄▽ ̄;) *

As she was complaining to LIL about the prices she reached her brother's company. She drove inside the parking lot and parked her car. She walked to the reception and asked for the directions for her brother's office since this was her first time coming to her brother's company. The receptionist asked her if she had an appointment. Adria was about to answer her when his brother's secretary greeted her with respect and guided her towards her brother's office. The secretary knocked on Drake's office door.

'Boss! your sister is here'

'Oh!come in' They both went in.

'Hey there, Brother' Adria winked at his brother.

'Ria, So here are the list of people that meet your requirements to work as your employee' Drake directly jumped to the topic ignoring her teasing.

'Boooo! Brother you are boring! your best friend is much more fun than you' This sentence caused him to stop midway in whatever he was doing.

'What do you mean?('⊙ω⊙') ' Adria told him everything that happened before she came here.

'(sigh)Ria you are still young to marry! ('ε') ' Drake said as gloomy and scary aura came from him.

Ria hit him on his head 'Who's gonna marry who?, you idiotic useless brother (~_^) '

'Ria, you can't hit your brother, I'm older than you, I'm just worried that some wolves will take you from me (○゚ε゚○) '

This gained him another hit on his head. 'Ria! (╥﹏╥) ' his brother whined.

'What? you are older than me but do you even behave for your age, and what's that about wolves taking me away from you? Have you finally lost it and became a nutcase!? (◣_◢) ' Ria scolded with a tone that held no place for rejection. Seeing all this, the secretary who admired his boss for 5 years, lost all his admiration. Right now the man in front of him is not the workaholic boss he has known for these past years , all he could see was a stupid sis-con.

Ria looked through all of the files, she selected the people, who she thought was capable and informed her brother to proceed with further procedures. For the company, she selected the place that was opposite to the male lead's company, it was a place where she could do her business very well at the same time she could have a lot of chances to meet the male lead, it was a two in one profit for her. So she chose that place to establish her company.

Everything was ready. Now that the stage has been set, It's time for the play to begin ~♥~.

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