ARC 1.17

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Her family made a huge ruckus in the hospital after they came. They showered her with their worries and concern. They only stopped after the doctor gave them a warning. Ria was discharged after she was confirmed she was in a good health. Due to her over protective family worrying for her health she was forbidden from going to her office till they permit her to. Ria didn't raise any objection against her family's decision, since she wanted to laze around a little bit. Most of the time she was in her room. Adria's parents came to knew about Jace and their daughter's relationship from Drake. Adria's mom was happy for her daughter but it was the total opposite for her father though. He didn't approve Jace to be his son-in-law because according to him Jace is a big wolf that tricked his daughter who was as naive and innocent as a lamb. He did waver a little in his decision when he thought about how Jace took care of Adria when she was admitted in the hospital. Jace knew he could get Mr.Joannes approval with a little bit of effort. He wanted to show him his sincerity towards Adria.

Adria didn't interfere with their dealings. She was leisurely spending her days in the Joannes house. She was resting in her garden when she suddenly thought about the hidden plot.

*LIL, I haven't seen the hidden plot yet, can I see it now?*

**Yes Host, Here It Is Host** A book dropped in front of Adria.

She slowly flipped through the book, as she finished reading the book she sighed deeply. The hidden plot was nothing but the dark side of the novel. It told how Ryne and Leanne was having a relationship behind Jace. They were the one who planned Adria's accident since she saw them kissing together in a restaurant. Since Jace was her ex-crush and also her brother's best friend, she warned them not to indulge in such cheap actions. They feared that she may tell Jace about them so they drugged her drinks when she was at her friends party, making her unstable while driving the car, which led to the fatal accident. They also created a rift between Jace and Drake by falsely accusing Drake. They said that he tried to misbehave with Leanne. At first Jace only thought that it was a misunderstanding between Drake and Leanne, but when Ryne came forward as a witness for Drake's "misbehaving" , Jace broke off their friendship and cancelled all the projects he had with the Joannes family. Ryne was waiting for this chance, since he couldn't make a move against the Joannes family with Jace having their back. So he took this chance to spread the rumors that whoever has a dealing with the Joannes company will have to face the wrath of the Byron's family. As a result everyone cancelled their projects with the Joannes family leading them to go bankrupt. The Joannes family soon fell into despair, misfortunes came one after another. They didn't know what they did to have such misfortunes. On the other hand Jace didn't care what happened to his once best friend after he broke off his friendship. He only had his eyes on Leanne, they soon got married but what he didn't know was that this marriage was the beginning of his end. Everyday Leanne gave him a bit of poison which slowly deteriorated his health and at last leaded to his death. He died at the age of 38 due to heart attack. Everyone thought that he died because of stress from handling all the business on his own. They pitied the young widow and when she once again fell in "love" with Ryne and married him, they supported her decision.

*Tch....What a horrible story*

** It's Good That You Made Their Plan Fail This Time, Host**

As Adria was chatting with LIL, she didn't notice the man who was coming towards her. She came to her senses when the book she was holding was yanked from her hands. She yelped at the sudden movement. When she looked up she met the gaze of her lover.

'You.....How did you come here....There's no way my father would have allowed to let you in' Adria raised one of her eyebrows after she said that.

'What is this? Is this how you treat your lover whom you haven't seen for three weeks? You don't look like you missed me.' Jace said while faking his anger.

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