ARC 2.15

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As they were riding back home, Adria was lying on Huang min's shoulder comfortably. She suddenly looked at him and spoke.

'Min-ge, what do you think about the third prince.' She asked out of the blue.

'Why are you asking about him?' He spoke his face black due to eating vinegar.

(A.N- eating vinegar- chinese idiom used to describe jealousy)

'Don't over think, I'm just asking this because we are going to be relatives later on, so it's better to know about your family right?.' She spoke coyly making him hard to refuse.

'Hmmm...Huang Mingli, that boy as you can see is very naive and innocent but at the same time he is ambitious. I know this sounds weird but that's the truth.' He shrugged as he replied.

'So are you saying, he is dangerous Min-ge?'

'No, No. As I have said before even though he is ambitious his heart is pure . Also, He has bad blood with first brother and empress. Don't ask me the reason cause I don't know.' 

'Tch and you call yourself a brother. Not even caring for your younger brother.' She clicked her tongue.

'Well, We three were born to different mothers, So we weren't able to spend much time together.  At least me and first brother were able to meet a lot but Huang mingli was not allowed to stick with us. The first concubine wouldn't let him.' He sighed as he thought about their childhood days.

'Wait! First concubine? I thought the third prince was born to second concubine?' Adria enquired eagerly.

'The second concubine, Jia li died when Huang mingli was just four years old, So the first concubine, Li Chao took care of raising Huang Mingli. Even kids in our empire knew about this.You don't know ?'

*Stupid LIL, why are these things not mentioned in that plot?*

**Host, I have no idea. Since this world doesn't have computers, I have no way to gather information.** LIL spoke dejected.

*Seems like I need to find out what else that damn plot is missing, but it is alright, since I can just ask my lover about it.* Without waiting for LIL's reply she turned her attention towards her lover.

'Min-ge, Don't you know about my past? Feng li wouldn't let me hear about the outside world. So can you tell about it?' She spoke in a pitiful voice. Huang min who felt pity and anger on behalf of her, filled her on the details she was missing.

' So, the emperor has one main wife and four concubines, but his true love is the Empres. He married others to make powerful allies. He has totally six children, four princes and princess. The Empress, Ping xing, gave birth to the first prince, Huang Zhong.

 Then First concubine, Li Chao gave birth to the first princess, Huang Zhu

The Second concubineJia Li is the mother of the third prince Huang mingli, but she died when he was still a child, so the first concubine took responsibility for raising him.

 The third concubine, Jie Ying is your mother, Min-ge.

The fourth concubine,Qiao Qing has two children. The second princess, Huang Jing is the elder one and the fourth prince, Huang An is the younger sibling.

Wow, that's one big family you have there. Hahaha.' She chuckled a bit nervously as she summarised the details he told her.

'( Sighs) You know Xiu'er, Though my family is big it is broken into several pieces. We need to stay cautious all the time and there is no unity among us. We siblings can't even spend time together without arousing suspicions from others. Heh.' He smiled bitterly. His face shrouded with gloominess. Adria placed her palms on his face gently.

'Don't worry Min-ge. Everything will change one day.' Adria spoke concerned for him. She could feel the loneliness he was feeling from his words. Huang min dispersed the gloomy look on his face and replaced it with a gentle smile.

'Why should I worry, When I have you? Huh?' He kissed on her forehead lightly. 

'Thanks for listening to my ramblings and sorry for making you see something embarrassing. I have never told anyone about this but I wanted to tell you about this. It's like I don't want to hide anything from you.' 

'Min-ge don't feel sorry. I am happy that you told me these things that you have never told anyone. Doesn't this mean, that you trust me with all your heart. You have no idea, how happy it makes me. I love you, Min-ge.' She hugged him tightly.

'I love you too, Xiu'er.' He returned her hug.

They stayed like that till they reached Adria's house. They parted ways reluctantly.

Adria went to her room and asked the servants to arrange a bath. Since she was tired, she wanted to refresh herself. 

When she was inside the bath tub filled with warm water, she thought back to everything her lover told her today.

*LIL, I think the third prince's sudden rebellion is not because of Cheng qi. Maybe she might be a part of it but not the sole reason.*

**What do you mean, host?**

*Think about it, from what Min-ge told me, it seems that he already has bad blood with the first prince. I'm sure there is another reason and that must be the main cause for the bad blood between them and for his ambitious nature and for his sudden- no- well planned rebellion.* Adria spoke as her eyes flashed.

**So, you think that he has been planning for the rebellion even before the plot started?**

*Exactly!! He must have already planned the rebellion but because of cheng qi's matter, he rebelled earlier without preparing properly. Cheng qi was just an oil added to the already burning fire.*

**But why would he rebel? **

*And that's what, we are going to find out* Adria smirked as she replied.

  A.N- Hey guys, I just wanted you to have a general outline on the imperial family. So don't fret over the names since I will only be using their titles mostly in the upcoming chapters of this arc. 

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