About Autumn

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Autumn is always associated with leaves changing colors to shades of brown, before eventually falling as they reach the end of their life cycle. Soon, they will be replaced by fresh leaves in the upcoming spring season.

Indeed, dead leaves will inevitably make way for new foliage, vibrant and green, sprouting from the healthy stems of plants.

Nevertheless, in reality, autumn holds a special place in the hearts of many. The sight of falling leaves can be an immensely precious spectacle. Despite their lifelessness, stepping on them, hearing the rustle beneath your feet, and then gazing upwards at the canopy painted in shades of brown, brings a sense of inner warmth.

It's a cycle orchestrated by the universe. It seems to signify an effort that behind the chill of the season, there's always warmth and a wellspring of reasons for people to keep smiling.

I, too, concur that spring will unfailingly return for those eagerly awaiting its arrival.

The cycle will persist, flowers will bloom anew, and all are welcome to come and see it.


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