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The hunter is on a mission to track down and eliminate Nymeria, a skilled and elusive adversary. With her stealth and cunning abilities, Nymeria presents a formidable challenge to the hunter. Her ability to blend in and disappear are what fuels his rage to find her. The hunter must rely on his own combat skills, perseverance, and strategic thinking to outwit and defeat Nymeria in their deadly game of cat and mouse. As he continues his hunt, he knows that the stakes are high and failure is not an option.

She was supposed to be last of her kind, a powerful half-demon breed with many names, born from the union of a demon and a human. These creatures possess immense strength, agility, and supernatural abilities inherited from both of their parents. With their dual nature, the demons are often torn between their human emotions and demonic instincts, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but she was untrained, but he knew she would come to a crossroad and have to pick good or evil.

While alliances were fighting for power, a select few were hidden a among the warriors to hunt them down, and they were almost done. Slowly wiping them out before they can join alliances and tip the scales like a few have already, the minds boarding between madness and what's left of their humanity. The leader barely able to keep them under control, but the protection status of the king kept them alive, slowly waiting to explode. He couldn't let her live even if she's chosen good.

The hunter pushed open the creaky tavern door, the sound of boisterous laughter and clinking mugs filling the air. As he made his way through the dimly lit room, his keen eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of Nymeria, the elusive prey.

Finally, he spotted her sitting at a corner table, her long, silver hair cascading over her shoulders as she held a warm mug in her hands, smiling.

Seating himself in the smaller corner next to the hooded man, anger growing as he watched.


The night continued, laughter feeling in the air as more people joined their table. Piper was always the life of the tavern. With her infectious laughter and quick wit, she could easily draw a crowd and keep them entertained all night long.

Whether she was cracking jokes, telling stories, or performing lively tunes on her flute, Piper had a knack for brightening up the atmosphere and bringing a smile to everyone's face.

Her energy was contagious, and it wasn't long before she had the whole tavern singing along and dancing to the music. People would come from far and wide just to experience the magic of Piper's presence. Even the cat seemed to enjoy her presence the most, his blues eyes watched, hints of mischief would flash before he would playfully pounce on another warrior.

Piper leaned on her hand, eyes growing heavy, the people slowly filtered upstairs before all the rooms were taken. "Go."

"Hmmmm" Piper look at him lazily as he pointed to her new friend, she too was falling falling.

"Take her, go get some sleep." His voice was low, tone soft but leaving no room for objections.

Piper tapped the silvered hair girl on the shoulder, "Come, it's time for bed."

Nymeria's face twisted slowly, confused she looked between the two, "I don't have-"

But Piper was already pulling her to her feet, "I didn't ask." Pulling her towards the door they slipped out of view.

The old inn above the tavern is a charming the hallways lined with old posters, paintings and a little dust. Inside the room is cozy and inviting, with low ceilings and a crackling fireplace that fills the room with warmth. The walls are adorned with faded tapestries and shelves of dusty books and trinkets. The furniture is worn but comfortable, with mismatched armchairs and wooden tables scattered around the room.

Finding Nymeria Where stories live. Discover now