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She at the end of the bar swirling her drink absentmindedly as she stared off into the distance. The dimly lit room was filled with the murmur of conversation and the clinking of glasses, but Nymeria felt disconnected from it all. She had too much on her mind to relax and let herself drift off to sleep.

She was a fighting an internal war.

She took a sip of her drink, the strong alcohol burning her throat as it went down. She had always been a restless spirit, constantly on the move and seeking out new adventures. But lately, she had been feeling lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

As she sat there lost in her thoughts, a stranger sidled up to the bar next to her. He was handsome, with a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Can't sleep either?" he asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Nymeria glanced at him, her curiosity piqued. "No, I can't seem to shut off my brain tonight," she admitted.

The stranger nodded sympathetically. "I know the feeling. Sometimes it helps to talk about it, you know?"

The stranger reached out to move a stray hair from her, a low growl seemed to be growing louder as he hand go closer.

"What the hell!" He jumped back as a white ball fur appeared from behind her braided hair.

His eyes flashing from blue to green as he looked at the man, "Keep your dirty hands to yourself."

"Seems I've lost my cat." Luna holds a hand to her cheek pretending to cry, "whatever will I do." She teased the magic feline as he made his way back to his spot and huffed, his eyes blue once again as he held her gaze for a few seconds.

"The cat is loveee" a man from the other end teased, the patrons continued to tease the cat as she drifted off again. The stranger wanders off to sit at another table, holding his finger.

"Can't sleep?" Xaden's voice cut through the mental fog, she looked up and realized the bar was empty. The huntress and her husband laughed while the polished glasses, her face flushed a little.

"I didn't realize that'd I'd just been sitting here, I'm sorry." She flashed an apologetic smile as she started to stand.

"Hmm don't be sorry." The Luna was in front of her grabbing her hand lightly, " don't leave just yet."

Nymeria's heart began to race as a sense of panic washed over her. She felt her breathing quicken and her hands started to shake. Her thoughts were racing as she tried to figure out what was causing this sudden surge of fear. She tried to take deep breaths and calm herself down, but the panic only seemed to grow stronger. The feeling of helplessness consumed her as she struggled to regain control of her emotions. She needed to find a way to calm herself before the panic took over completely.

This is why she traveled alone.

The moon cast an eerie glow over the deserted streets as Nymeria dashed away from the dimly lit tavern.

"they know." She growled, pushing faster.

Heart pounding, she weaved through the alleys, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She knew she had to get as far away as possible before they caught up to her. Thoughts raced through her mind - how had things gone so wrong?

As she finally reached the outskirts of town, Nymeria slowed her pace, her legs aching from the sprint. She glanced back, but there was no sign of her pursuers. With a sigh of relief, she collapsed against a tree, the cool night air soothing her fevered skin.

She knew she couldn't stay in town any longer. It was too dangerous. Gathering her strength, Nymeria pushed herself up and continued on into the night, " I was a fool."

Finding Nymeria Where stories live. Discover now