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Xaden led the way through the dense forest, the sunlight filtering through the canopy above. Nymeria trailed behind him as they headed towards the trail. Stopping to let her catch, " why are you walking sooo fast." She huffed.

He grinned and shook his " Im not fast, you're just slow."

She crossed her arms and continued behind him, As they navigated through the forest, Nymeria's foot caught on a protruding tree root, causing her to stumble forward. In a split second, Xaden reacted, reaching out just in time to catch her before she fell to the forest floor. His strong arms wrapped around her, steadying her as she regained her balance. Walk past as if nothing happened, he shook his head and followed after her.

"For someone who traveled a lot, you're pretty damn clumsy."  He teased as he walked passed her. It didn't take him long to realize she had stopped walking.

As he glanced back, he caught a glimpse of Nymeria's face, and something in her usually gentle demeanor had shifted. Her yellow eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, a determination that took him by surprise.

He slowed his pace, allowing her to catch up, and as she drew level with him, he could sense a newfound strength emanating from her. There was a wildness in her gaze, a primal energy that seemed to connect her to the very heart of the forest they traversed.

Nymeria's steps were sure and deliberate, her movements fluid and purposeful. Xaden couldn't help but be captivated by the transformation he witnessed in her, a reminder that beneath her calm exterior lay a spirit as untamed as the wilderness around them.

He had caught a glimpse of it in the tavern when she said his name, almost like she was challenging him., but he wasn't sure if he really saw anything at all. And now that gaze was fixed on something or someone he couldn't see, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Without even looking at him, "we're not alone."

Xaden and Nymeria freeze in place as the bloodthirsty forest beast snarls and bares its sharp teeth, its eyes filled with malice. Nymeria's keen senses picked up on the creature's foul odor before it emerged from the shadows.

"We might need to run." She could tap into her demon power if it charged but, she can't control it. She could lose full control of herself and attack him. Her glanced at him, he face unreadable as he stared the beast down.

It was a grotesque being, with twisted limbs and sharp, jagged teeth that dripped with saliva. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent light as it fixated on its prey, hungrily licking its lips in anticipation of the kill.

They stood still has the beast sniffed the air, slowly moving close, "run."

Xaden and Nymeria ran through the dense forest, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as the sound of the pursuing beast grew closer behind them. Branches slapped at their faces and legs as they pushed through the undergrowth, desperate to escape.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, causing both of them to freeze in their tracks. Nymeria turned to Xaden, her eyes widen when she caught sight of the beast again. "We need to split up," she whispered urgently. "It's our only chance."

"You can be serious." He hissed, her demeanor had changed, her yellow eyes darkened as she stood tall.

" I am, you can't fight a great beast unarmed." His darkened as she held his gaze, " I know you think I didn't notice and I know you don't fully trust me, and why you protected I don't know, but I need you to listen to me. Run."
She knew she couldn't fight the beast, not with him around. Before he could protest she leaped forward with a fierce growl, her teeth bared and claws extended as she lunged at the beast, diverting its attention away from Xaden. The creature snarled and swiped at her, but Nymeria dodged the attack with grace and agility. She continued to circle the beast, keeping it focused on her and away from him.

Finding Nymeria Where stories live. Discover now