Welcome Home

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In the heart of the bustling tavern, Xaden and Nymeria, now home, in a small bit powerful allaince, reveled in the joy of newfound camaraderie. Laughter filled the air as they shared tales of past adventures and dreams of future conquests. With mugs raised high, they toasted to their bond, a testament to trust and loyalty forged through trials and triumphs. As the night wore on, they joined in merry songs and friendly competitions, their spirits light and hearts intertwined in a tapestry of friendship. In that moment, amidst the warmth of the tavern's glow.

Xaden observed Nymeria and Piper, their laughter ringing through the air as they enjoyed each other's company. From a distance, he watched over them with a protective gaze, ensuring their safety amidst the lively crowd. Nymeria's eyes sparkled with mischief, while Piper's infectious energy lit up the room. As they shared stories and engaged in friendly banter, Xaden couldn't help but smile, his heart warming at the sight of their genuine camaraderie. Throughout the night, he stood guard, a silent protector, as Nymeria and Piper reveled in the joy of friendship and the simple pleasures of the tavern. In that moment, amidst the harmonious blend of laughter and chatter.

Sitting at the bar he cases the room again, Xaden caught Nymeria's eye as she shyly observed the dancers. Sensing her curiosity, he set his glass and and decided to go get her. He walked and held out , confusion clouded her yellow eyes as she looked at him, slowly she took his hand and pulled her gently to the dance floor. With a reassuring smile, he guided her through the steps, his movements fluid and graceful. Nymeria's initial hesitation melted away as she followed Xaden's lead, her movements growing more confident with each passing moment. The music swirled around them, creating a magical backdrop for their impromptu dance lesson. As they twirled and swayed in perfect harmony, a smile of pure joy graced Nymeria's face, a testament to the newfound confidence inspired by Xaden's patient guidance.

" are you having a good time?" He asked watching as her long silver hair flowed around her as she danced.

She happily as the continued, unaware that she had gained the attention of someone else. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she twirled and spun, her dress swirling around her in a beautiful display of elegance. Isarr couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for Nymerias talent and grace, and he found himself completely captivated by her presence.

Overwhelmed and hot Nymeria snuck out the door, . As she took in a deep breath of the cool night air, she felt a shiver run down her spine, sensing that she was being watched. Turning around slowly, Nymeria scanned the darkness, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever was following her. But all she could see was the faint outline of a cloaked figure standing in the shadows, their features obscured by the night.

Feeling a sense of unease creeping over her, Nymeria took a cautious step back towards the safety of the tavern. But before she could make a move, the figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing a tall, imposing figure dressed in all black.

sarr, a kind but fierce warrior, steps out of the shadows with a determined look on his face. His towering figure is cloaked in shadows, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. As he approaches Nyneria, his presence exudes strength and power, yet there is a softness in his gaze that reveals his kind heart.

With each step he takes, Isarr's presence commands attention and respect. His battle-worn armor glints in the dim light, a testament to his countless victories on the battlefield. As he stands before Nyneria, he offers a bow of respect, his eyes never leaving hers.

"You shouldn't be out here alone." His voice was stern and serious, holding her attention.

"Why?" She took another step towards the tavern, still unsure if she could trust the man in front of her.

The tavern door burst open as Xaden comes down the steps to where she's standing, wrapping her in his jacket as he locked eyes with Isarr.

"What are you doing here?" Isarr looks up at Xaden with an amused smile.
"Just having a friendly chat with Nymeria." Winking in her direction, her cheeks flushed as his smile widened.

"You know she shouldn't be out here alone, your wards are failing." His voice shifted as he spoke to Xaden, " she can very easily be picked off."

Nymeria felt the weight of Xaden's touch and the intensity of Isarr's gaze, unsure of what would happen next. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken words and unspoken threats as the three of them stood in a silent standoff. Xaden's grip on Nymeria's shoulder tightened slightly, a silent warning to stay out of the brewing conflict between him and Isarr. Nymeria could feel the tension building, like a storm on the horizon, ready to break at any moment.

Isarr's gaze never wavered from Xaden, his eyes cold and calculating. There was a dangerous energy emanating from him, like a predator assessing its prey. Nymeria could feel the tension between them, a palpable force that seemed to draw her in despite her better judgment.

As the silence stretched on, Nymeria felt a sense of unease settle in her stomach. She knew that whatever was about to happen would change everything, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was caught in the middle of something much larger than herself.

But before the tension could escalate any further, Xaden broke the silence, his voice low and controlled. "This ends here, Isarr. We have nothing left to say to each other." And with a final, lingering look, Isarr turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows of the night.

Nymeria let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, the tension slowly dissipating as the standoff came to an end. She turned to Xaden, her heart pounding in her chest, unsure of what would come next.

The night sky was clear and the stars twinkled brightly, casting a soft glow over the sleepy town. Nymeria sighed contentedly, leaning back slightly into Xaden's chest.

"It's so peaceful out here," she murmured, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath of the cool night air. Xaden nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the endless expanse of stars overhead. They stood there in silence for a few more moments, simply enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the night sky. In that peaceful moment, all their worries and troubles seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment.

Everything that happened simply melted away.

Without thinking, he reached out and pulled her into his arms, feeling her body press against his in a way that sent a shiver down his spine. Nymeria hesitated for a moment, but then leaned into him, resting her head against his chest. They stood there in silence for a long moment, just holding each other. Xaden could feel the tension slowly melting away, replaced by a warmth and closeness that he had never experienced before.

It was a feeling he never wanted to let go of.

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