Chapter 4

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"Do you think shes lying?" I hear Brody's voice as I stir in my sleep.

"No. I know she's not, but I still don't trust her. The last thing we need is her remembering how to use her powers and then turning against us." Luca sighs out from the opposite side of the room.

"Do you really think she would, considering she's your-" Brody is suddenly cut off by a cough. I'm his what? Like don't leave me on a cliffhanger. I mentally roll my eyes.

This is all surreal, I'm not a witch. They aren't even supposed to be real. Neither are vampires.

"We know you are awake." Brody says and I open my eyes squinting as the bright light beams from the window.

"Okay vampy since you know that can you tell me what day it is." I say as I sit up and roll my eyes. Looking between the two boys in front of me, they're wearing different clothes then what they were last time I seen them. Both dressed casually in shorts and tshirts. "It's Monday, November 4th." Luca says looking at his phone.

"What! My parents are probably freaking out, the last time they seen me was Halloween!" I exclaim throwing my hands up. They both continue looking at me with bored expressions across their faces.

"The last thing they seem is worried sweetheart." I look up at the dark headed boy with my brows furrowed, "What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I compelled them. All they know is that you came home that night and left the next morning for your abroad studies in Europe." He smirks.

"They wouldn't believe that! No one in their right mind would, I didn't have any of that planned out."

"But you did." Anger rolls over me after the words come out of Brody's mouth.

"No I didn't you sharp toothed bitch." I throw the covers off of me and grab a pillow and chuck it at him. In a flash the pillow is ripped in half feathers falling everywhere and Luca is on top of me pinning me down.

"You listen to me carefully. You do not disrespect me or any one else in this house or you will suffer the consequences. I can lock you back up in the cellar and let you lick the water off the walls for all I care. I will not tolerate you being a disrespectful bitch." His eyes bright red and teeth barred in my face as he speaks to me like a father scolding his kid. Even though he's threatening me I kinda feel turned on.

Wait what. Uh no Stockholm syndrome much.

"You are the one who brought me here. If you don't like my attitude deal with it, I don't want to be here. I have no reason to be here. Therefore you and your leach friend can get the fuck out of my room!" I spit back in his face.

Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that.

I'm quickly grabbed by the neck picked up and slammed up against the wall. He's not crushing my neck so I can still breathe but I'm just hanging there like a picture frame.

Damn what's this guys problem with choking.

"Scarlet I am trying my best to not drain you dry right now so I advise you to shut the fuck up." Luca says looking into my eyes before he drops me.

"Dracula I'm trying my best not to go psycho bitch on you. So I advise you to give me some answers." I look up at him rubbing my neck. Brody stifles a laugh at the nickname and makes a brisk whistling noise making both of our heads turn.

"The tension in the room is a bit too much for me, I'm going to make pancakes." He says rubbing his hands through his blonde locks huffing before walking out of the room. He's an odd creature; I'm growing fond of him.

Only because I want pancakes.

Luca sends me a glare before looking down and realizing he's holding my wrist. Tingles shoot up my arm and he quickly lets go as if he's been shocked. "You stay here until told otherwise, understand?" He says glaring at me. "Yeah I don't plan on becoming a meal for anyone anytime soon." Sarcasm drips from my response and then I feel a swish of cold air and look up to find him gone and my door shut. Stupid leeches and their stupid powers.

I shake my head and walking into the bathroom. I need a shower desperately I smell like shit, I walk up to the mirror and don't even recognize the girl looking back at me. My blonde hair is dingy and my eyes are sunken in, my collarbones are basically popping out of my skin. I quickly strip out of my clothes and hop into the shower. The cold water stinging when I turn it on but I don't even care as I quickly start washing my body and my hair letting the water relax my tense muscles.

I miss my mom and dad. Tears swell in my eyes thinking of how they don't even know where I truly am. They think I'm safe and I'm no where close to it. Deep down I know they aren't my real parents, the inconsistencies between our appearances basically states the obvious. But why would they lie to me?

I sit down in the bottom of the shower letting the boiling hot water roll over me as I drown in my thoughts. After a 45 minute long depressing shower I exit the shower and put on my pajamas.

Now's not the time to try to escape, I'm too weak, I need to create a plan of the house and then figure something out. I open my door and on my nightstand are pancakes drizzled in chocolate and powdered sugar and a glass of milk. My mouth waters at the sight, I hurry and dig in grabbing the note under the plate quickly reading it.

I heard your thoughts that you liked pancakes this was my mom's recipe.

I smile to myself as I set the note down and finish eating before crawling into bed. Tomorrow may be better that's all I can hope for at least the one who was closest to having me dead brought me food that counts for something.

Thoughts of the dark haired handsome vampire and the feeling I get when he touches me enter my thoughts as I drift to sleep.



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