Chapter 6

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Scarlets POV


I'm not a whore.


I'm not casting any love spell on that vampire.


He's a cunt


I'm hungry.

Just as I'm about to hit my head up against the bed frame again a knock comes from the door just before it opens. I look up at the blonde headed boy wiping my tears away at the shattered look on his face. If there is one thing about me I will always care more about other people than myself no matter what, call me a pushover it's just in my nature to help people feel better and I can feel the sadness radiate off of Brody.

"Hey Scarlet." He says timidly with his shoulders slumped. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for trying to kill you and all um it was just a lot to process and it really wasn't my place considering the King wasn't even my real father." He sighs out as he bashfully scratches the back of his head. My heart aches for him, I pat the ground next to me and he heads over and sits down in the floor at the foot of the bed his cold arm brushing against mine.

"It's okay Brody, thank you for the pancakes they were absolutely amazing." I smile weakly up at him.

"They were mine and Lucas mom's favorite, every time one of us were sad we would make them for each other." He says with a ghost of a smile. I turn my body towards him and lay my legs over his lap and sprawl the rest of my body out onto the floor staring up and the black ceiling a feeling of content runs through me with our show of platonic affection.

"They were your parents too blood or not." I state, I'm probably digging my toes in murky water but he doesn't seem to mind.

"It's not the same" he says leaning his head back against the bed frame, "I was born an immortal vampire but have never even met my parents, ironic isn't it they left me in a basket outside of the castle with a blood bag and a hole filled blanket and never came back." He laughs at the unfunny situation placing his hands behind his head. "If it wasn't for Queen Celina adopting me I would have died from starvation or ended up shifter food. She and King Dimitri raised me as if I was their own but either people knew I was adopted or thought I was a bastard child. Celina ended up dying from being burned by a shifter who was after Dimitri. I was only ten, Luca fourteen and Eve seventeen. Eve took it the toughest, Luca and I barely had time to grieve before we were sent out to hunt the shifter who killed her. Then fast forward two hundred and fifty years all three of us were tied to poles outside in the back forest watching your parents murder our father." He takes a moment to clear his throat his voice becoming thick with emotions, "It took them three days to kill him. Three whole days of us tied up with a paralyzing spell over our heads without our sun rings watching him suffer all because of some unknown grudge your parents had against him, and you darling where there right in the middle of it all." I quickly pull myself up and meet his eyes, red tears are running down his face as he tries to control his crying. I try to grasp at what he's telling me, I would never hurt someone else for my own personal gain.

"Brody I don't even know what or how to say how sorry I am, I don't remember anything at all." I shake my head trying to recall any memories I can but just feeling completely blocked off.

It's as if someone took all the memories inside of my head and put them in a lockbox in the very back corner.

"I know. I have a feeling you didn't want to take part in it which is why we need to find a key to that box." He says patting my knee, "I should get going, Charity is waiting for me, but Scarlet."

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