Chap 9

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"What do you mean there is a voice in your head?" The perplexed red head asks me while applying mascara onto her lashes in front of my vanity.

"I mean that there was someone in my head telling me to kill Brody and Luca. That's why I went haywire, my body naturally went into opossum mode trying to physically get whoever that was out of my head but homegirl is a mental problem so that just led the boys to think I was trying to kill Brody!" I let out huff throwing myself back on the bed.

"I have a feeling it's something to do with the spell where Rose took control over your body." Charity says with a sigh. "We need to train you on how to use your powers again."

"They looked at me like I was insane when I explained to them what happened then locked themselves up in the office!" I exclaim throwing my hands into my hair ready to pull it all out ignoring her comment about training me.

"They're 200 year old vampires they're just trying to figure things out Scar." She defends.

"Old bats." I huff out crossing my arms, "What were my parents like?" I ask randomly rolling over onto my side propping myself up with my arm.

"Well considering they killed my whole family." She grimaces looking over at me, a frown settles on my face feeling bad about even bringing it up.

"How about before that? When everything was normal I mean." I ask.

"They were always good people, fought for what they believed in... no pun intended. I wasn't really around them much, you would always sneak off and come over to my house and when they'd come over to talk to my family they took the 'grown up' conversations to the other room. But they loved you, dearly, you were their own pride and joy along with your covens." She says reminiscing, a wave of sadness washes over me as I can't recall any of the memories she is currently thinking about.

"I just don't understand why. Why would they wipe my memories in the first place if they are starting to come back now?" There are so many unanswered questions running through my mind.

"Scarlet you are one of the most powerful witches alive, they did that to protect you. Your powers are coming back because you didn't get to live life as a normal human. You're in a supernatural world now, our energies are bringing back feelings that would have never been felt in the mundane world. Your body can sense when a supernatural being is around you just have to tap into it." She says before getting up and walking over to my closet.

"Can you help me?" I ask her and she freezes. "No." She says bluntly, "My powers are gone, I no longer am of service of the coven." She says almost robotic before turning to me with clothes in her arms with a smile plastered on her face.

She's lying. Maybe not intentionally but somehow I know she's lying.

"Hopefully we will get some answers soon." I sigh the both of us quietly returning to our thoughts.

A part of me wishes I was never brought into this, I wish they would have left me the hell alone. But a deeper part of me is in shock of the powers and the feelings that are coursing through my veins silently attacking me wanting to escape every second the pull to learn, no, remember how to use my powers at their full extent is almost overpowering my hold onto reality.

Knock knock.

"Hey girls just wanted to let you know that Asher is coming over so you are to stay up here." Eve says cracking the door open holding her stare on me a little longer than I am comfortable with.

"Okay, just link me when he leaves. I was thinking we need a girls day to wash some of this stress off." Charity says smiling brightly at Eve, I can tell she really looks up to her it's very heart warming.

Too bad you're going to kill them all.

Shut up bitch I'm not. I mentally roll my eyes in response to the voice in my head.

Eve and Charity look over to me with a questioning look in their eyes.

"I don't think Luca is going to let me out of the house all things considered." I say brushing my hair behind my ears.

"Oh don't worry, he doesn't have to know." Eve responds with a wide smirk on her face. Charity giggles and goes to the closet and grabs a bunch of outfits and throws them on the bed almost hitting me.

"Okay Asher is here I'm going to head down, you guys don't have too much fun." She winks at me and shuts the door.

"It's time to play dress up." Charity says as she claps her hands together.

Oh god please save me.



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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 26 ⏰

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