The Love Square {20}

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                I rubbed my chest as I my mom basically thrust the poptart into it. I took it from her and cautiously took a step back.

                “Mom, giving me a poptart isn’t going to keep me away from Colin,” I said, raising an eyebrow at her.

                “You’re too young to date, Ant!” she wailed, pulling me into a tight hug and starting to cry.

                “Mom! I’m 17!” I whined, struggling away from her. “I’ll be fine, mom. I promise. Colin’s a good guy.”

                She wiped at her eyes and reached out, stroking my hair lovingly. “He’s Collie’s twin brother, right?”

                I nodded at her. “Yea.”

                “Well, I don’t like his mother. She’s a homophobic shithead. But I’d like to meet Colin. Scratch that, you’re letting me meet Colin or else I’m making sure you don’t date him. You are not dating some boy I haven’t met,” she said sternly.

                “Well, uh, we’re kind of going on a date. But maybe after…”


                “Or before,” I said, cringing back in terror. “I’ll bring him here after school.”

                She smiled and pulled me in for another tight hug. “Good. I love you Ant. And if whoever hurt you tries to hurt you again today, you better kick them in the crotch so hard that they never curse humanity by reproducing,” she said, kissing my forehead and releasing me.

                “Yea, yea, yea,” I said, smiling at her and waving before leaving the house.

                I drove myself to school and walked up the hill and into the main lobby. I turned my music up and looked around for any sign of Zane.

                “Don’t mind us; we’re just spilling our guts. If this is love I don’t wanna be loved. You pollute the room with a filthy tongue. Watch me choke it down so I can throw it up,” I mumbled along with my music.



                Zane tackled me against the wall, hugging me tightly. Kids in the hallway stared at us as Zane gave me a huge grin.

                “Happy for you!” he cheered, releasing me and stepping back.

                I grinned. “Thanks Zane!” I had texted him everything last night.

                He slung an arm around my shoulders as we walked towards the senior hallway together. A smirk made its way onto his face.

                “I can’t believe it!” He lowered his voice. “You are finally going to date Colin. I guess I’m kind of glad you didn’t listen to me when I told you to give up on him. But if he hurts you, I will go after him.”

                I chuckled. “Hey, it was your kiss that ‘confirmed I was gay’,” I said winking at him.

                Zane grimaced and wiped his lips. “No offense, but that was pretty gross Ant. I can promise you that I’m not gay. Definitely liked screwing my ex more than kissing you.”

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