The Love Square {28}

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                “Ant Andrews! You are going to be late to school!” my mother called.

                I shifted to change my pants and winced. Colin hadn’t exactly been gentle with me last night. Not that I actually cared all that much.

                I pulled my pants on and left my bedroom, heading out to the living room. Mom narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

                “You got laid,” she said.

                I blushed and she sighed, holding out a poptart to me. I took it and she hugged me. Not one of her usual bone-crushing hugs, but a typical parent-child hug.

                I looked over and spotted her pills out on the counter. Then I remembered that she had a meeting with her boss today, and probably wanted to make sure she didn’t have an emotional-breakdown in the middle of it.

                “Ant, just be careful. Please be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt. I hope to god that you get to stay with Colin forever. I can tell you love him. But just…just don’t forget that forever is a long time, okay?” she said, pulling away and gripping my shoulders.

                “I promise I’ll be careful mom,” I said, giving her a weak smile.

                “I am happy for you though, Ant. So, so happy,” she said sincerely, kissing my cheek. “Now, get to school before you’re late.”

                She tossed me a poptart and waved to me as I left the house. I drove myself to school and went inside, looking around for Zane.

                “Ant, pant, rant,” Zane sang as he skipped over to me. He stopped and smiled. “Hi Anthony!”

                “Hi Zane, rain, lane!” I said cheerfully.

                “How was your date with Colin?” he asked as we started towards the senior hallway.

                “It was amazing Zane! He told me he loved me!” I said, still hardly able to believe that last night had happened.

                Zane searched my face and broke out into a huge grin. “You got laid!” he said, poking me in the chest.

                “God, how do you people know that?! First my mom and now you!” I said, shaking my head and smacking his finger off.

                “Aw, my little Ant is growing up!” Zane said, laughing and pinching my cheek.

                “Hey! I at least I lost my virginity in my bedroom, and not in my uncle’s basement,” I said, smirking.

                Zane pouted and punched my arm. “Hush up! It’s the act, not the place,” he grumbled.

                “And the act was wonderful,” I said, winking at Zane.

                “Well, I’ve only done it with a girl. So I guess our definitions of wonderful are different.” He suddenly grinned. “Bottom!” he said, disguising it as a cough.

                “Well just by looking at Ant you could tell he’d bottom.”

                “Collie!” I shouted, spinning around and slapping a hand over my chest. “Quit sneaking up on me!”

The Love Square [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now