Chapter 1 My New Family

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This chapter was inspired by the fanfic I'm Ron Weasley  which I had read a long time ago. I forgot the name of the author but I want to say that whoever you are have done a phenomenon job and I really enjoyed it.

Check it out if you haven't already read it, I can guarantee that you will enjoy it.

Enough babbling of mine. Happy Reading !

Gen p.o.v

It has been 4 months since I was born.
Being a baby is a new experience in itself. It is strange and most of the time I felt useless because I can't do anything on my own. I had to be dependent on others even for eating. And while breastfeeding is weird and I always close my eyes when I was feeding. And let me tell you it takes a lot of energy which left me usually tired and sleepy.

Being a baby means a lot of times people often underestimate me and think that I can't understand them. So they often talk about things that they mostly wouldn't if they knew about my situation. From this I was updated to all kinds of gossips and news of the wizarding world.

Potters were actually close friends with the Weasleys. They often visited us and vice versa. Fate works in a strange way. Maybe it was bound to happen that Harry meets Ron on the train and instantly befriends them.
Anyways it seems as though Potter hadn't gone into hiding while I was being born. Because they along with Sirius and Remus had visited us for like a month. The marauders were really popular among the Weasley children and Harry was always seeing playing with Ron, Fred and George. However now they have stopped visiting for a few weeks so may be they had gone into hiding now.

I was already missing them knowing that I will never see James and Lily Potter again breaks my heart in thousand pieces. And it will be years before I will see Harry, Sirius and Remus. Sadness engulfed me but I try not to show that too much.

Being a baby was a good experience also. I would smile and coo at someone and they would melt by my cuteness. It was fun.

Currently I was laying in my cot wide awake. Rarely I was ever left alone. And while I do love company, honestly who could ever dislike a Weasley, I love to have some free time on my own.

Suddenly I heard the sound of door being opened and my attention towards my siblings, I think all of them had come here though.

"Let me see Fred," one of the boys who looked alike pushed the other one. Wow the Weasley twins as my brothers, how cool !
The one named Fred was trying to make silly faces at me to make me laugh. And I laughed to his delight.

Charlie, who was carrying Ron, was feeding  him with a bottle. It was hard to believe that he would become a dragon trainer when he would become older. He looked very gentle right now.

I was then lifted in the air. It was my eldest brother – Bill Weasley. The one who was going to become a curse breaker when he would become older. But for now he was busy playing with his youngest sister, a.k.a. me.

" How's the little doll is doing ?" He cooed at me while I laughed at him in a cute way.

"It's getting late, should we feed her ?" A voice asked in a shy way. It was Percy. He always want to feed me and Ron. He says that it is fun to him.

Bill nodded while keep me on his lap while helping Percy to feed me correctly from the bottle.

It feels so nice to have a family. To have people take care of you. I had yearn for this in my previous life. Now that I finally have them I would do everything in my power to keep this as it is.

I had offcourse read the books and pretty much knew about all the Weasleys. However, it was one thing to read about them and another thing to see them live and live with them.

I found out how Bill's favourite subject was charms and he had planned to let his hair grow in future. He also was the most adventurous one in the family.

Charlie was the animal lover and wanted to have a career regarding magical creatures. He also doesn't care of the creature was dangerous or not.

Percy loved following rules and enforcing them. He also like to take care of his younger siblings in any way he can.

Fred and George like pranks and to make everyone laugh. They were walking troubles and love to cause havoc.

Ron is still a baby like me and didn't do much. However he was really cute and I still have time to know him better. I do know that he was going to be quite protective of the people he like in future.

Dad works in the ministry and have low salary. He was the most calmest person in family and also most curious one too, especially regarding muggle stuff.

Mom on the other hand took care of everyone, imposed rules, and punished if necessary, whether it was cleaning the gnomes' garden, helping her clean the house and feed the chickens or even just a long-lasting lecture on behaviour. While she's a lovely person you don't want to see her getting angry.

I plan to change the future events but not everything at once. I do need to some things to happen as canon in order to change them. I first plan to live my life a little.

Fred was my family now and I would do whatever it took to make sure he didn't die.

I won't let that bastard Fenrir Greyback to hurt Bill. That werewolf has to go through me if he ever dared to do that. I will personally learn to use Avada Kedavra and use it on him or any other death eaters who ever hurt anyone I love.

I also wouldn't let Percy isolate himself. I knew he wasn't bad, he just wanted to fulfill his dreams. He worked hard for that and didn't deserve the contempt of the twins or the constant reminder that all his work at the ministry was for Harry Potter.

I also make sure that Ron also didn't have to feel insecure. I always have believed that if he was close to his parents or anyone in his family then he didn't have feelings of insecurity which leads him to be jealous of things.
I will be that someone for him who listens what he has to say so he doesn't feel lonely or sad and be more confident in himself.

I would try to change the story..... I would make sure everyone gets their happy endings.

I never had a family before, but now having one of the best ones this world has to offer, I would protect it with my life.


Hope you guys have enjoyed.

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