9. Into the unknown

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Danielle grinned mischievously, her eyes twinkling with playful sarcasm. "Of course I'm sure. But if you're eager to catch a cold, I suppose I can't stop you. Feel free to stay out in the rain," she quipped, her tone laced with humor. "But don't blame me if you're sneezing up a storm tomorrow!"

"Thanks for the tempting offer, but I think I'll pass on the cold for now," Haerin replied with a grin, her tone matching Danielle's playful banter.

Shaking her head, Danielle fished out her keys from her pocket and unlocked the door with a click. She pushed the door open, gesturing for Haerin to enter first.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Danielle said with a smile as they stepped inside the cozy foyer. "Make yourself at home."

Haerin glanced around the inviting space, taking in the warmth of Danielle's home. "Where's your family?" she asked curiously, noting the absence of any signs of life.

"They're out of town on a business trip," Danielle replied vaguely, her tone casual as she hung her wet jacket on a nearby hook. "They travel a lot for work."

As they stepped into the living room, Danielle hurried to fetch some towels, offering one to Haerin to dry off. "You know, sometimes it feels like I'm the only one here," she admitted quietly, her gaze drifting to the floor. "My parents are always so caught up in their work that they forget I even exist sometimes."

Haerin's brows furrowed with concern as she accepted the towel from Danielle. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that," she replied softly, her voice filled with sympathy.

Danielle shrugged, offering Haerin a small smile. "It's okay. I'm used to it by now," she replied with a faint shrug, though the sadness in her eyes betrayed her words. "But enough about me. Let's get you out of those wet clothes before you actually catch a cold," she said, as she gestured towards the bathroom.

Haerin nodded, grateful for the change of subject. Once she was dry and comfortable in a fresh set of clothes borrowed from Danielle, Haerin rejoined her in the living room, feeling a sense of gratitude for the warmth and shelter her friend had provided.

"So, any exciting plans while they're away?" Haerin asked.

Danielle shook her head, a wistful expression crossing her features. "Not really. Just the usual... studying, dance practice...," she replied with a shrug.

"Well, how about we make the most of tonight, then?" Haerin suggested, her tone brightening with enthusiasm. "Movie night, perhaps? I heard there's a new Avengers movie out that's supposed to be pretty good."

Danielle's eyes lit up with excitement at the suggestion, grateful for the distraction. "That sounds perfect," she replied, her smile genuine. "I'll go grab some snacks."

Haerin smiled at Danielle's enthusiasm, feeling a sense of satisfaction at being able to brighten her friend's evening. "Great, I'll set up the movie," she replied, making her way to the entertainment center to search for the remote.

As Danielle disappeared into the kitchen to fetch some snacks, Haerin quickly scrolled through the streaming service, searching for the latest Avengers movie. Within minutes, Danielle returned with an armful of snacks, setting them down on the coffee table with a satisfied smile. "Got everything we need for a movie marathon," she declared, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

Haerin chuckled, admiring Danielle's selection of snacks. "Looks like we're all set," she agreed, gesturing for Danielle to take a seat on the couch beside her. "Now, let's dive into the world of superheroes and forget about our troubles for a while."

Danielle nodded eagerly, snuggling into the cushions as Haerin pressed play on the remote, the opening credits of the movie filling the screen.

As the movie progressed, enveloping them in its thrilling storyline, both Haerin and Danielle found themselves gradually succumbing to the comforting warmth of the couch and the gentle rhythm of the movie. The adrenaline rush from the basketball championship earlier in the evening combined with the late hour, left them both feeling pleasantly drowsy. Their eyelids grew heavy, and before they knew it, they had both drifted off into a peaceful slumber, their bodies nestled close together.

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