17. One call away

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Haerin hesitated for a moment, her pride warring with the pain throbbing in her jaw. But Danielle's determined gaze softened her resolve, and with a resigned sigh, she nodded in agreement. "Fine," she relented, her voice tinged with a hint of exhaustion.

Without a word, Danielle hurried to retrieve the first aid kit, her movements swift and purposeful as she prepared to tend to Haerin's wound. As Danielle returned with the first aid kit in hand, she cast a concerned glance at Haerin, her brow furrowed with worry. "Sit down," she instructed, gesturing towards the nearby couch with a gentle yet firm tone.

Haerin complied, sinking into the cushions with a weary sigh as Danielle knelt beside her, her hands deftly rummaging through the contents of the first aid kit. Despite the tension lingering between them, Danielle's touch was gentle, her focus unwavering as she tended to Haerin's injury with careful precision.

As Danielle dabbed at Haerin's split lip with antiseptic, their earlier animosity resurfaced, the air thick with unspoken frustration and unresolved tension. Haerin winced as the sting of the disinfectant seeped into her wound.

"You really didn't have to do that, you know," Haerin muttered, her voice barely above a whisper as she avoided Danielle's gaze.

Rolling her eyes, Danielle scoffed in response. "Well, excuse me for trying to help," she retorted, her tone edged with exasperation.

A heavy silence settled between them, punctuated only by the soft sound of Danielle applying antiseptic to Haerin's wound. Each movement was deliberate, each touch tinged with the weight of their unspoken feelings.

"Ugh... I'm gonna kill Leeseul," Danielle muttered under her breath, her frustration evident in the furrow of her brow.

Haerin raised an eyebrow in amusement, her lips quirking into a wry smile. "For what?" she asked, genuinely curious about Danielle's sudden declaration of vengeance.

Danielle rolled her eyes, a hint of irritation coloring her tone. "For punching you before I ever got to," she replied, her voice laced with annoyance at the injustice of the situation.

Haerin scoffed at Danielle's response, a soft chuckle escaping her lips despite the pain throbbing in her jaw. Before their banter could continue, Haerin's phone rang, the sudden interruption pulling them both from their playful exchange.

Danielle reached for the phone, which was conveniently placed on the table beside her, and handed it to Haerin with a knowing look. "It's Hanni."

Haerin stood up, wincing slightly as she held the phone to her ear. "Hey, Hanni," she greeted, her voice soft yet filled with warmth.

Through the phone, Hanni's voice came through, "Hey, Haerin. Are you out? I'm in your house right now."

Haerin's surprise was evident as Hanni's voice echoed through the phone, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Wait, you're in my house right now?" she asked, a hint of disbelief coloring her tone.

Hanni chuckled softly on the other end of the line. "Yeah, I came over to drop off some notes you left at school. I thought you'd be home by now," she explained, her voice warm with fondness.

Haerin's lips parted in realization, her mind racing to piece together the situation. "Oh, right. Sorry, but I won't be home anytime soon," she replied, her voice tinged with regret. She made a mental note to avoid revealing her current whereabouts, knowing it was best to keep it a secret.

Hanni's understanding response was immediate. "That's okay. I'll just leave them on the desk then. Take your time," she said, her tone gentle and reassuring.

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