13. Whiskers and Winks

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The rest of the group turned to Danielle, their curiosity piqued. "What idea?" Minji prompted, her brow furrowing with intrigue.

Danielle's lips curved into a mischievous smile as she met their expectant gazes. "Well, since it's already late, and we don't have school tomorrow... why don't we have a sleepover?" she proposed, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

A chorus of agreement echoed among the group as they considered Danielle's suggestion. Haerin's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as she exchanged excited glances with the rest of her friends.

"That sounds fun!" Minji exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "I'm definitely in!"

Hanni nodded eagerly in agreement. "Count me in too," she added, her smile bright with anticipation.

"I'm in as well," Haerin chimed in, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

Hyein nodded in agreement. "Me too," she said, a smile spreading across her face.

With unanimous agreement from the group, Danielle's smile widened, her heart brimming with joy at the prospect of a sleepover with her closest friends. "Great! It's settled then," she declared, her voice filled with excitement. "Let's make it a night to remember!"

As the excitement for the impromptu sleepover grew, the group began discussing plans for the night. Hyein suggested playing board games, while Minji proposed a round of karaoke. However, it was Hanni who suggested a movie night.

As the group discussed movie options for the night, Danielle suggested the latest Avengers movie with a playful grin. Haerin couldn't help but give her a knowing glance, remembering the night they had fallen asleep during the film when Haerin walked Danielle home.

However, they kept their shared memory a secret, exchanging a silent understanding with just a subtle glance. Haerin nodded in agreement to Danielle's suggestion, her lips curving into a small smile.

With the movie chosen, the group settled into their positions in the living room. Haerin, Minji, and Hyein occupied the couch, while Danielle and Hanni made themselves comfortable on the floor with blankets and pillows.

As they watched the movie, immersed in the action-packed scenes and thrilling plot twists, Haerin reached for the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. In the dim light of the room, her fingers brushed against Danielle's in the process. They both froze for a moment, their hands lingering in the brief but electrifying touch.

A jolt of warmth surged through Haerin's veins at the contact, her heart racing in her chest. She stole a quick glance at Danielle, whose cheeks were tinged with a faint blush, mirroring Haerin's own flustered state.

Quickly recovering from the unexpected moment, Haerin passed the bowl of popcorn to Danielle with a shy smile, their fingers grazing once more before Danielle took hold of it.

As the movie played on, the familiar scenes unfolding on the screen, Haerin found herself growing drowsy. The warmth of the room and the soft glow of the TV lulled her into a state of relaxation, and before she knew it, she had dozed off on the couch.

When the movie reached the exact moment where they had fallen asleep before, Danielle couldn't help but glance over at Haerin. To her amusement, she noticed that Haerin had once again succumbed to sleep, her breathing steady and her expression peaceful.

Danielle couldn't help but steal a glance at Haerin's peaceful expression, her heart swelling with affection for her sleeping friend. However, as she glanced around the room, she couldn't shake the feeling that her friends might have noticed her gazing at Haerin.

Feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks, Danielle quickly averted her gaze. In an attempt to diffuse the awkward moment, she spotted a marker lying on the coffee table nearby.

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