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The sun was gleaming brilliantly in the evening sky, its radiant beams cascading onto the door before me. Dviti lazed on the foremost seat of the tuition room, her emerald attire seamlessly complementing the verdant benches. With only a week into the new academic year, the classroom remained eerily quiet, and Dviti found herself alone amidst the stillness. Resting her chin on her hand, she gazed absentmindedly at the door bathed in sunlight, the brightness of the scene contrasting with her sense of ennui.

As Dviti sat there, the only one in the room, her attention was caught by the mesmerizing play of sunlight on the door in front of her. The golden rays seemed to dance, creating beautiful patterns that held her gaze. Lost in this moment of quiet thinking, she found herself briefly disconnected from the everyday dullness of her surroundings, her mind wandering far from the classroom's confines.

Without her knowledge, footsteps slowly approached, disturbing the calmness of the empty room. Her daydream was interrupted as the sound drew nearer, finally leading to the arrival of an unexpected visitor-As the tall guy approached, Dviti couldn't help but notice the way his messy hair framed his face, and how his honey-brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. His forced smile caught her attention, making her wonder what was behind it. He wore a yellow sweatshirt that contrasted with his dark trousers, giving him a casual appearance.
Feeling a mixture of curiosity and nervousness, she quickly averted her gaze, Caught off guard by his unexpected appearance, she couldn't help but feel curious. As he entered the room, the stranger's presence injected a sense of vitality into the space, diverting Dviti's attention from the captivating play of light to the enigmatic newcomer before her.

He approached the tuition instructor and engaged in conversation, his words mingling with the calm hum of the room. she watched him as he exchanged formalities with the teacher, her curiosity piqued by the sudden intrusion into her isolated domain. As their conversation concluded, the stranger's gaze drifted toward Dviti, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. Without hesitation, he made his way to the empty seat beside her, his movements fluid and deliberate.
With a casual smile, he greeted her with a simple "Hi," his voice was warm and inviting. Dviti returned the greeting with a polite "Hello," her mind racing with questions about this unexpected visitor.

"Why did you come back?" she ventured, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

Kya matlab??
("What do you mean?") he responded, his expression masking any hint of his true intentions.

Iss baar firse toh nahi jaoge??("You're not going to leave again, are you?") she pressed, her tone tinged with a mixture of apprehension and intrigue.

"Not this time," he assured her with a smirk and then grinned.

With a shared understanding, they exchanged smiles and resumed their studies. Little did they know that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of an unexpected journey-one that would lead her down a path she had never imagined traversing.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the room, Dviti found herself lost in the depths of memory, transported back two years in time. It was a moment etched in her mind, a fragment of the past that remained, haunting her thoughts like a ghostly apparition.

She sat alongside Zain, her closest confidant and study partner, their heads bent over textbooks as they navigated the complexities of academia together. Their laughter echoed off the walls of the tuition room but fate had other plans in store, as the peace of their study session was shattered by the sudden call of their instructor. With a furrowed brow, Dviti approached the doorway, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected interruption.

There, she beheld him-the same enigmatic stranger who now sat beside her, his presence a reminder of a past encounter fraught with tension and regret. The tuition instructor strived for her opinion, a decision hanging in the balance, and in a moment of impulsivity, she uttered the words that would alter the course of their intertwined fates. It was Samarth Rajput, a name that prompted vague recollections in Dviti's mind. The instructor sought her opinion on admitting Samarth into the tuition, a decision that would alter the course of their interactions forever.

"Yes," she had said, her voice laced with uncertainty as she extended an olive branch to the stranger, unwittingly sealing his fate within the confines of their shared space.
In a moment of goodwill, Dviti consented to Samarth's inclusion, her heart swayed by a desire to extend kindness to a newcomer. Little did she know, this simple act of acceptance would sow the seeds of discord that would later blossom into regret.
As days passed by, Dviti found herself increasingly disappointed with Samarth's behavior. His behavior grated against her sensibilities, his presence an unwelcome disruption in the harmony she shared with Zain. Frustration oozed within her, bubbling to the surface in her interactions with Samarth. Unable to hide her contempt, Dviti's treatment of Samarth grew increasingly cold and indifferent, a stark contrast to the warmth she had prearranged for Zain. Her words, once filled with kindness, now dripped with contempt, leaving a bitter taste in the air.Samarth, hurt by Dviti's callousness, made the painful decision to leave the tuition center behind, his departure a silent reproach to the girl who had unwittingly driven him away. As he walked out the door, the weight of Dviti's disinterested hung heavy on his heart, a burden he held with him into the puzzle.

As Dviti emerged from her daydreaming, she realized that the study session had drawn to a close. It was time to bid bye to the familiar surroundings of the tuition center and return home. With a gentle smile, she gathered her belongings, a newfound determination bubbling within her. As she stepped out into the cool evening breeze, she found herself face-to-face with Samarth once again. The air between them was charged with a quiet understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the past, and a tentative hope for the future, With a shared smile. Dviti felt a sense of relief washed over her-a sense of closure and a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of rebuilding their relationship. As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the absence of Zain by her side. But she knew that their friendship was strong enough to weather any storm, even the temporary absence caused by construction work at Zain's home.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Dviti looked forward to the days ahead, eager to forge a new bond with Samarth and strengthen the ties that bound her to Zain. And as she made her way home, she carried with her the promise of tomorrow-a tomorrow filled with possibilities and the chance to make amends for the mistakes of the past.


Not the first meet up
(meeting in the last year of school)

Not the first meet up(meeting in the last year of school)

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The first MEET-UP
Beginning of highschool

The first MEET-UPBeginning of highschool

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