Chapter One

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I took the only chance I had and sat in the break room, finally able to catch my breath. I fell onto the chair so carelessly, it almost tipped over. I heard a tiny crack –oops.

Most of the dinner rush was over, and I could rest for a few minutes, hell a few seconds was good enough for me. I tipped my head back, blankly staring at the ceiling.

Uncle Sam's usually wasn't this busy but seeing as it was a Saturday night, it made sense. Seeing it booming with business every now and then was nice because, like a wilting rose that didn't have enough water, the business was dying. It suffered as nothing could help prevent its inevitable demise. It's a little morbid but it was true, the diner was declining in profits, and we couldn't exactly help it since people just stopped coming.

Maybe we needed a kitchen nightmares episode if anyone could help it would be Gordon Ramsey. I laughed to myself. And then laughed at myself because laughing by myself was a little depressing.

I relaxed my legs, sticking them straight out, letting out a long-needed sigh of relief. Taking in the oxygen around me and appreciating it. I didn't appreciate it enough while I was whirring past tables and getting yelled at by the cooks. They can be so mean sometimes. I've cried once because they yelled at me for letting a woman substitute her mashed potatoes for hashbrowns. And for the record, I asked first, and they said they could do it. But they were mad when I came back to give them the order, reflecting on the moment now, they were a little backed up so I can't blame them for that. At the same time, why did they keep going until I cried?

Adjusting my neck and sitting up properly, I took my phone out. I scrolled through the photos and videos Annie and Paige were sending me. They were pre-gaming before heading out to a party at one of the frat houses. My lips curved down in a slight frown, realizing I wasn't currently living the life of drinking and putting make up on. Only to sweat it off a few hours later. I was going with them, but I wish I didn't have work and could be having fun with them. They were supposed to bring my clothes and makeup, but I told them it's fine, as they were drinking. I imagine them drinking and driving wouldn't have gone over well with the boys, or any of us actually.

Plus, it wouldn't have been as fun, who wants to be sober and do makeup? Who wouldn't want to smudge their makeup twenty times over and take another shot in frustration? Only to realize it's her fault because she's drinking more and around her friends, which only added more distractions.

I was startled out of my thoughts, almost falling back in the chair again and hearing an even more concerning crack. I'm surprised this chair hasn't folded in on itself yet. Mrs. Owens had burst into the room. I can't help but feel like she did that on purpose, "hi sweetie. You can head out if you want," she flashed a sweet, bubbly smile.

Oh, she most definitely did it to mess with me.

"Oh okay, are you sure you don't need me here?" I felt a little skeptical, her smile didn't help my case. She could be cheeky and if I walked out now, she'd bring this up later and use it against me. She shook her head.

"Don't worry sweetheart, go and do whatever you want, it's a Saturday night after all," she winked with a sly smile on her face, and went back out to tend to the few diners left. I blew air out of my nose with a slight chuckle. I loved the woman, she's funny and bold but still sweet as candy.

I collected all my things from my locker and strolled through the diner towards the door. I waved goodbye to Mrs. Owens as I passed the counter, praying she didn't need me last minute. As I got to the door, I suddenly remembered that Blake had dropped me off at work. Basically meaning, I didn't have a way to get home or to the party. I muttered a buttload of swear words and pulled out my phone, I hated having to call someone to pick me up. I mean I had my own car for fucks sake. But here I am, without it and basically stranded.

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