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A lump formed in my throat as I watched Victor hold Vivian close.  Was this what true love looked like?  The way his hand gently caressed her back, the way her smile seemed to light up the entire room?  A pang of longing shot through me, a yearning for a connection that felt warm, safe, and unwavering.

The cafeteria's eyes were more drilled on them like never before, buzzing with whispers and speculations. Victor had brought a bouquet of flowers for Vee. Her smile faltered slightly as he held her close, his voice a low murmur in her ear. 

My nearly watery eyes cheered for them. Deep down I wished someone would treat with me the same amusement. Caress me like an exquisite diamond and handle me with care like an egg. Maybe hold my hand while we walk down the corridors or at least an affectionate hug. It wasn't too much to ask for... Was it?

"Is he proposing?" Asante asked completely dazzled of whatever was happening.

"Mhh, they've been dating for quite a long time... Doesn't it seem like they've been dating yesterday?" I say fishing my phone out from capturing the beautiful scene.

"Wow, that's so sweet. That reminds me, any man in your picture yet?" Asante's question hung in the air, shattering the comfortable silence. My cheeks burned under his curious gaze.

"Why are you suddenly intrigued of my lifestyle?" The corner of my eyebrow widen. Looking for answers from him.

"You saved me twice today so I guess I'm getting curious of whom you really are." A beam of a sweet smile appears on his face and I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"See you in class girll." Vee waves as her other hand embraces that of her mans.

She can't leave me here with him. Please no. Please. I wave back, a forced smiled pushed up my cheeks.

"Just because I saved you, it doesn't mean you should stick your nose in my business though. Besides I only saved you once not twice."

The folk smoothly landing on the plate echoes in my ears. It trims down some dark old memories. That's the same way my dad would land his folk. He'd shine a smart grin and tell my mom how amazing her cooking skills were. He was a really sensitive man, always on the look out for his family. I wished he had stayed longer.

"Actually I'm curious. Why are you not asking me questions of what happened..." His voice trailed at the end.

The answer was simple, I didn't care to know something-someone wouldn't want me to know. The same with me, I don't expect my secrets to be floating in the air.

"It's your life okay? You don't owe me any explanation... I'm willing to zip my mouth and not tell anyone if you're not comfortable with it."

"Yo-u're the first person to help me during my asthma attack." The sweet smile that portrays on his face, holds more misery than mystery.

Could I offer him a simple human connection, a listening ear without judgment? Or ignore him like I normally do with the rest? The decision hung heavy in the air, a silent battle between my head and my heart.

"Why's that?"

My curiosity at it's worst as those two words pass through my lips. Maybe I should have just ignored him for a while?

A wave of nervousness passes through me. He was the first guy who talked to me for more than fifteen minutes straight.

A flicker of sadness crossed his features. "Let's just say no one at this school has ever seen me so vulnerable.  I usually keep my guard up." His voice softened, and a hint of longing expressed in his eyes.

"So what happened today? No longer cautious?"

A pang of laughter flew from his mouth and I couldn't help it but join in. The sweetest smile that shines from within him, embraces my heart that a sensation of happiness strikes through me.

The sound of the alarm pierced the air, jolting us both back to reality.  "Looks like class time," Asante said with a smile. 

Walking side-by-side towards our classrooms, our conversation didn't actually drift apart. As we entered the hallway, I couldn't help it but notice the curious stares we received from other students.

"So what made you choose this program in the first place?" He asks, he's gaze shifting towards me.

"Actually, I never choose it. I was redirected here. Genuinely, I applied for statistics." I honestly say. I felt like hiding my humor today just to blend in with him.

"So your tiny brain wanted to tackle all that math stuff?" Asante chuckled. "Good thing they redirected you." My eyes couldn't help it but roll playfully.

"Tiny brain, huh? Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"It doesn't matter as long as you drool each time you see me... You can even call my face your pudding." The kissing faces he molded on his face ignited a spark of defiance within me. Maybe it was time to stop blending in and start living a little.

"No, it's a shame comparing your face to the magestic yummy taste of pudding."

A smirk appears on his face, "Fine, let's compare your cute-pretty face to pudding then."

The laughter that followed was uncontrollable, he was trying to get even with me without necessary becoming even. Testing waters without necessary touching them.

Despite that, the fact that he recognized my face to be unimaginably 'pretty' withered a slight blush on me. Far most, being called pretty by someone who's more than that is an awe and it seems real.

"Stop firing insults at me." I laugh slapping his arms a little while a sensation of blush passes through.

"Ouch, your hands are stiff as a rock." 

Rolling my eyes, he opens the door to class leaving it open for me to come in. Weirdly enough, everyone's seated on their desks, silence overtaking as we walk in. He closes the door behind me, like a gentleman... It felt so unreal.

A wave of happiness crushes in, a majestic walk taking over from my former sloopy walk.  Having someone lean behind me, was far most the amazing feeling I hadn't discovered yet.

"Wake me up when the lecture is in." He mutters laying his head on the desk.

For once, I'm not mad that someone has snatched my seat... Actually am even greatful that that 'someone' had to be him.

Then realization kicks in that my desk is still stuck to his and I don't make much effort either to separate it. Rather I lay my head on the my desk facing his lightly sleepy face. Maybe sitting next to him wasn't bad at all.



I'm super excited and freaking tired today. I want to sleep but i can't... Literally have two exams next week😭😂 and yes haven't studied anything yet.

Plus got a group assignment lol. School will be the death of me😪

Anyways how is you today?

What would you choose, Love🤎 or money🤑?

Anyways byeee sweeets!! ❤️

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