Chapter Five

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     I tossed and turned in my bed, barely able to focus or get my body to stay on a spot. It was frustrating as I willed myself not to stare at the clock. Not the bedside clock on my study desk, nor the giant one that was way high up the wall. I couldn't look. I just couldn't.

But what if….

No. I mentally chided myself as I lay on my side, my gaze falling on the wall supporting my bed. It wasn't a blank view, but there was only so much stickers and wall posters I could take in all at once.

I inhaled and exhaled as I wrapped my arms around myself. I was freaking out and I had no idea why.

No, scratch that. I did have an idea but it made no sense why I was freaking out about it. Do you understand?


It just didn't….

"Alyssa." I jerked up at the sound of my name being whispered dangerously close to my ear. Like that wasn't enough, someone's hand pressed down on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "Are you okay?"

"Olive!" I sat up, my hand flying to my chest. I'd hoped that single action would pause my thumping heart or at least slower the rate, but I was wrong. Very wrong. "What'd you do that for?!"

"Sorry." Olive smiled sheepishly as she sat at the foot of my bed. "I didn't mean to scare you, but I thought something was wrong. You were literally shaking and mumbling to yourself."

"Oh." I mouthed. "I'm fine. It's nothing. What's up with you? Are you on your way out?"

"Yes, actually." Olive beamed as she gestured to her clothes with a wave of her hand. "A party."

I could already tell from her ensemble. A low cut blouse hugged her frame, stopping just a few inches short from her belly button. There, a piercing  hung loose and as she moved, it seemed to catch the light in the room every now and then.

Toned long legs were bared open, with nothing but a mini skirt skimming the very top of her legs. Black boots the color of the night cicrled her feet, and a perfect match with the lazy bun that sat atop her head.

In summary, my roommate was gorgeous.

" should come." I tuned back into Olive's conversation. "Tell me you'll come."

"I'm sorry." It was my turn to put on a sheepish grin. "I can't. You know I don't like parties and I kinda have somewhere else to be ."

"Ouuuuu." Olive wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Are you going out with a boy?"

"No!" I let out abruptly, too abruptly if you asked me. "I mean yes…."

"Bennett?" Something about the way she belted out his name didn't sit right with me. "I thought you both never went out on night dates. What changed?"

"It's not Bennett." I shrugged. "It's…"

"I have to go." She was on her feet immediately. "I'll be back in the morning. Make sure you have fun but not too much fun. And use protection!"

"Olive!!" I groaned, but she was already out the door.

What was I going to do now? I finally stared at the clock and it was already 9pm. One more hour and the doors of the dorms would be shut. One more hour of my indecisiveness and I could kiss my chance to hear the truth from Cameron goodbye.

The truth? I literally had no idea what he was going to say, so how could I trust that to be the truth? What if it was all just a ruse or some kind of plot? But would Cameron get anything out of it, even if it was?

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