My First Time

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This story contains themes of BD/SM, DD Kink, Strong language and Sexual themes


"Hi! My name is Bitsy. Well, it isn't it's Elizabeth but my parents thought seeing as how I loved the spider rhyme, and spiders, it fits...I'm 24, I have two cats, one dog and a tarantula. I drive a '98 Impreza and I think those are the closest I'll ever get to having children and I'm..."

A little.

My heart hammered in my chest. I was hyper-aware of how hot the room was, of the sweat coating my upper lip. Of my teeth cutting the inside of my lower lip.

Everyone in the room watched me; expecting me to finish my sentence. I kneaded my knuckles into my thighs, my nerves fraying at the attention. I tried to smile at the interviewer. I must have looked uncomfortable because he smiled reassuringly at me and began to speak.

"Alright everyone, now that you've all been formally introduced, it's time to do some team building,"

People started to stand up and move to the coffee machine in the corner, or headed for the door.

I felt less self-conscious standing. I smoothed my skirt over my legs and grabbed my bag quickly, dashing for the front door.

I needed a fag.

My hands shook as I rolled the tobacco into the paper. I tried to light it multiple times when a voice behind me offered to help.

I yelped and spun around. It was the man who interviewed us, and his hand was extended towards me, a lit zippo inches from the end of my cigarette. I didn't mean to maintain eye contact while I leaned forward but I didn't know what else to do.

He cocked a dark eyebrow, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

I inhaled my first puff and blinked, taking a step back.

"I like your bag, Bitsy," He smiled, "I'm Devon, by the way,"

"Hi Devon, " I smiled nervously, "I'm- oh, you already know that," I chuckled awkwardly, "Thank you,"

Devon stood beside me and lit his own cigarette.

"It's very cute, what is his name?" Devon's voice was soft and sweet. Caring.

"His name is Tigger," I beamed, slipping.

"Wow, Tigger," Devon grinned, "But he isn't a tiger, he isn't even orange," He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No! You're so silly," I giggled, "I like Tigger, no- I love Tigger, and I love spiders, so it seemed fitting" I explained.

Wasn't it obvious?

I took another drag.

Okay, Bitsy, that got a bit out of hand. You need to reign yourself in.

"So, do you own this company?" I cleared my throat, making an effort to sound grown up and mature.

"I do, well, my father does, I just train the new recruits," He nodded sitting on the step in front of the doors, "Sit with me, it's a nice night,"

"Oh, I- uhm,-"

"It wasn't a question, Bitsy," Devon patted the space beside him.

My heart rate kicked up a notch. He was using a Daddy voice.

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