The Babysitter - Part Two

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This story contains themes of BD/SM, DD Kink, Strong language and Sexual themes


You look divine in your jammies, little one.

You left your bra on the bathroom floor, silly girl.

I can see how red your cheeks are.

Your little moans are adorable.

Are you getting wet, sweetheart? you should have kept your phone locked.

And lastly,

I had no idea this blog was yours. Do you know how often I have touched myself to you? to this blog? to the depraved, nasty things you've written? You didn't do a very good job of keeping it anonymous, Lills.

My stomach wound and unwound, my pussy soaking through the fabric of his boxers. I suddenly wanted to go home. I needed to release myself. I couldn't let him touch me. It would be wrong. He's almost seven years my senior.

"I, uh, I have to go to bed, I'm really tired," I whispered.

"Oh, you don't have to go to bed to make yourself feel good, baby," He got up and moved to stand in front of me, "I can do that," He leaned his face closer, "Right. Here"

My knees almost gave out then and there. My heart beat so fast I felt sick. I let out a small, pathetic whimper in response.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Your cheeks are red baby, are you embarrassed?"

I shook my head ever so slightly.

"Why are you cherry red, baby, talk to me," He grinned, "Use your big girl words,"

My blood was turning molten, my temperature was rising and the only thing cooling me down was his breath on my face. It was hard to maintain eye contact. For me, anyway. Steve seemed to be having too much fun.

His breath smelled like rum and cigars and had a slight chill to it. Like he had been chewing minty chewing gum earlier in the evening.

"Speak, Lilli," His voice was sharp.

"I uh," I fidgeted with my nails, "It's warm," I stammered.

Pathetic Lilli, fucking grow a pair and take what you want!

"Take off your hoodie," He tugged at the hem, "It's just us two," His grin was back and it was fucking gorgeous.

I nibbled my bottom lip, "What about if Keelan-"

He dropped the hem of my hoodie, walked to the door and locked it. In the moments he was gone I could breathe, the snake had unwound itself from my throat and I could fucking move again.

He sauntered back to where I stood and dropped onto the couch, he draped his arms across the back and crossed one long leg over the other, "Take. It. Off,"

My heart was back in my throat.

I took a small step back and counted to three, closing my eyes when I yanked my hoodie over my head and dropped it at my feet.

The cool air in the living room made my sticky skin prickle. my nipples stiffened. I heard Steve's' breathing hitch in his throat and a soft, throaty groan followed.

"Eyes open," He instructed.

I counted to two and opened my eyes. I did my best to look sultry, to act brave because it was happening. My fantasies were coming true and I was not going to let my fucking shyness ruin it.

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