The Babysitter - Part One

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This story contains themes of BD/SM, DD Kink, Strong language and Sexual themes


I heard the front door open, then boot steps on the hardwood floor coming towards the living room. I sat cross-legged on the floor, my homework in front of me, the fire blazing when he entered the room. I could smell his aftershave and the damp, wet earth from the storm outside.

I glanced over my shoulder, "Hey, Mr Fox, I didn't think you'd be home so soon," I smiled greeting my employer.

I had worked for Steve for a little over three years. Initially, it started as a favour for my mother. They worked some shifts together and mentioned he was desperate for a babysitter for his son, and she offered me up.

I was in my last year of school when I started so it was only on weekends or bank holidays I babysat, but when I started Uni, it became more frequent as I had fewer classes. Mr Fox even set up the spare bedroom for me for nights when I stayed late or the weather was too bad.

I didn't mind though. He paid me, Keelan was a treat and I genuinely had a lot of fun with the little man. He was quick-witted and always in a good mood. Watching him grow from a vibrant, curious five-year-old to a moody, vibrant curious eight-year-old has been a treat.

"Hey Lills," Steve smiled, "Where's Keelan?"

"He went to bed hours ago, he was helping me with this." I gestured to the copious notebooks and textbooks strewn about the rug in front of me, "And got bored. He said the letters are pointless in maths and hurt his eye," I sighed


"No, just a lot. I've got like three assignments due by next week," I replied without looking up.

"Why did you leave them all to the last minute?" Steve asked opening the cabinet where he kept his alcohol.

"I didn't, they're for three different classes, but they all intertwine if that makes sense?"

Steve didn't say anything as he set two glasses on the coffee table to my left. He left the room and came back with a bottle of chilled rose and lemonade. He poured his drink, then mine, and sat on the couch behind me, "You shouldn't work so hard, here,"

I sat up and stretched my back, uncurling my legs from under me, "Thank you," I smiled and took a sip, leaning back against the couch. I closed my eyes for a minute and pondered which route would be less flooded at this time of night.

"You should get your pyjamas on, sweetheart, the assignments will be there in the morning," Steve spoke breaking my mental adventure, "You're not driving in this weather it's like armageddon out there,"

I opened my eyes and looked back at him, "I don't have any jammies with me,"

Wow. Jammies?

Steve grinned at me and tapped his nose before placing his glass down and venturing through his house. I glanced down at the papers in front of me.

Another page wouldn't hurt, would it?

I placed my glass down and resumed my homework when Steve entered the room with a box tied with a ribbon.

"I got these for Sunday but as you need jammies now, you might as well open them," He grinned.

"Hm?" I sat back, "Oh my gosh," I laughed softly, "What is this?"

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