Chapter 1.

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A short introoooo pookies

Thanksss for readinggg

Snooze. It's 6:38 am on a Monday morning, and I reach for my phone to turn off my alarm, hoping to postpone the moment I have to peel myself out of my fluffy duvet and leave the warmth of my bed. I bury my face into the pillow. I was dreaming, and I want to go back to the dream. If I don't dwell on the fact that it's Monday morning and Lotte is probably already awake, maybe I can slip back into the dream world I just left behind. Determinedly, I squeeze my eyes shut. I'm sure it was nice. It felt good and warm. But the dream doesn't return.

It's now 6:40, and I think I'm actually going to be late for the first time. I've never been much of a snoozer. "You snooze you lose" has always been my motto. But unfortunately, I can toss my motto into the trash, especially since I just secured an internship. I've been able to snooze for months. But today, it's a MUST to wake up on time. You might be wondering why? My work with Lotte. At the FOX law firm.

I quickly dive into the shower and wash my hair. The golden brown locks curl around my shoulders. After stepping out of the shower, I apply mascara to my eyes and some highlighter. Sprinting in fear of being late, I grab a bowl of coconut yogurt and snatch some bananas for the road. I know I should have been sitting in my car five minutes ago to be on time, but I still desperately cling to the last shreds of my warm dream. Anything to deny reality. And unfortunately, the reality is that today, a to-do list full of tasks awaits me. Yes, I should have been up. I should have even been dressed. But instead, I buried my head in the pillow to keep dreaming.

Of course, I'm late, miraculously just not quite late enough. Thanks to catching all the green lights in the world. I contemplate on the way what I need to do today, after my usual round of greeting colleagues and making tea. I flip open the visor of my car to quickly touch up the last bits of makeup. As soon as the clock strikes 7:30, I push open the door and step out; the first of my colleagues have just arrived. Lotte's white Mini, my sister, adorned with large, bright flower stickers, is parked somewhere in the parking lot next to the restaurant. Lotte herself is usually hard to miss, stepping out with her characteristic graceful stride. She greets Sergio, our co-boss, with an exuberant "Good morning!" Sergio and Lotte have been inseparable since the first week he accepted our internship. "Had a good weekend, dear!?" Sergio shouts to Lotte from the other side of the parking lot. His cheerful voice easily reaches me, even though I'm only halfway across the parking lot. Sergio calls everyone "dear," at least all the women in the office. Although I can't make out Lotte's response, I'm sure Lotte has responded with something polite. I'm not jealous by nature, but seeing my little sister having so much fun in life and with her boyfriend Sergio, I can't help but feel a twinge of envy.

I'm just wondering if it wouldn't be better to leave later to avoid the traffic when a loud rattling noise literally startles me.

"Whoa, sorry, bro!" says a tall guy in a shirt and pants, who just forcefully lifted a large metal pipe from a trailer. "Didn't mean to scare you!"

"Oh... No, it's okay! I was just momentarily taken aback by that handsome man who suddenly appeared," I joke, laughing at my own joke. Suddenly, my body stiffens. Landon sees the fear in my eyes and looks closely at me. Then I see his eyes widen too.

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