Chapter 5.

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Sulking, I sit in the passenger seat next to Landon. What a jerk. How dare he! I can hardly believe he just picked me up and brought me here, as if I needed his help. But somewhere, I also feel a strange mix of gratitude and confusion. Why is he doing this? Why can't I just be angry with him and be done?

As we drive silently through the rain, I let my thoughts wander. Maybe Landon isn't as bad as I always thought. Maybe he has a softer side he doesn't show to everyone. But either way, I can't just accept his behavior. He has no right to override me like this.

Suddenly, Landon breaks the silence. "Hanna, I didn't mean to upset you," he starts, his voice soft but determined. "But I couldn't stand seeing you out there in the rain. I just want you to get home safely."

I look at him surprised. His words are sincere, but I refuse to give in. "You have no idea what I need," I snap back, my voice dripping with anger.

Landon sighs deeply, his face twisted with frustration. "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I can just let you walk in the rain," he replies, his tone sharp.

We continue the ride in tense silence, each of us trapped in our own thoughts and emotions. When we finally arrive at my house, Landon abruptly stops the car and opens the door on my side.

"You're here," he says curtly, his voice cool.

As I try to open the door, I feel Landon push my hand away and slam the door shut again, starting the car to drive away. Surprised, I turn around and see Landon getting out, his face serious but determined.

Instead of walking away, he walks around the car and opens my door. I stand there amazed as he unbuckles my seatbelt and reaches out his hand to help me out. Without saying anything, he grabs my hand and helps me out of the car, his gaze determined yet gentle.

For a moment, we stand there, the rain softly falling on us as we silently look at each other.

Instead of showing kindness or reconciliation, Landon and I continue to stare at each other with a mix of anger and frustration. I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I try to control my emotions.

"You don't think this changes anything, do you?" I snap at Landon, my voice filled with bitterness.

Landon's jaw tightens as he looks at me coldly. "You're the one who makes a big deal out of every little action, Hanna," he replies sharply.

"Maybe so, but that's only because you always get on my nerves!" I exclaim, my voice loud above the sound of the rain.

He shakes his head, his eyes flashing with frustration. "Looks like we can never see eye to eye, huh?" he mutters more to himself than to me.

I clench my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palms. "That's quite an understatement," I retort, my voice trembling with pent-up anger.

For a moment, a tense silence hangs between us, only interrupted by the sound of the rain pounding on the streets. Then, without saying a word, Landon turns around and gets back in the car, slamming the door shut behind him.

I stomp angrily towards the house. The rain is still pouring down. I close the door behind me and let out a deep sigh as I take off my wet jacket and hang it on the coat rack.

A warm shower seems like the only thing that can calm me down after dealing with that stupid arrogant jerk. I walk to the bathroom and let the warm water wash over me, hoping it will relieve the tension in my muscles and calm my thoughts. The steam fills the bathroom as I let my mind wander, but even the warmth of the shower can't change the coldness.

After the shower, I dress in comfortable clothes and walk to my bedroom. The thoughts of the confrontation with Landon continue to whirl through my head as I lie down on my bed. I pull the covers up to my chin and close my eyes, hoping that sleep will free me from the image of the arrogant jerk.

But even in my bed, surrounded by silence, I can't Maybe what he said is true, maybe we can never see eye to eye. And although a part of me loathes that idea, another part knows it might be for the best.

Landon still sits behind the wheel, his knuckles white with tension as he grips the steering wheel tightly. The rain pounds hard against the car windows, but he can't shake the thoughts of Hanna from his mind. They had a heated argument, and despite trying to convince himself that he doesn't care, he feels a gnawing concern.

When he arrives at his house, Landon notices a bag on the back seat that he hadn't seen before. With a frown, he picks up the bag and opens it, searching for clues as to whose it is. Her keys are inside, along with her wallet and a few other personal belongings. Angry, he drives back to Hanna's house.

Worries plague him as he puts the bag back on the back seat and steps out of the car. The rain continues to fall steadily as he walks to Hanna's house. He notices the door is slightly ajar, which sets off an alarming feeling in him.

With a mix of concern and reluctance, he gently pushes the door open and steps inside.

Dont Fall For The Enemy - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now