Chapter 4.

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Hanna's Perspective:

As the meeting slowly came to an end, I felt Landon's eyes burning as he looked in my direction. His self-satisfied smile told me that he was already relishing the thought of working with me on the case. I could almost see the excitement in his eyes.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his gaze, knowing that this collaboration would probably not go smoothly. But before I could even utter a word, Landon was already approaching me with his confident stride.

"Hanna, Hanna, what a surprise to have you as my assistant," he teased with a mocking tone.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at his remark and tried to remain calm instead. "It's a surprise for me too, Landon," I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

He ignored my tone and continued with his comment: "But let's make the best of it, shall we? Please get us some tea and then come to my office. We have a lot to discuss."

With a sigh, I turned around and headed to the kitchen, wondering how I would survive the next few hours with him. The idea of fetching tea for him almost felt like an insult, but I knew I had no other choice.

As I brewed the tea, I felt the frustration building up. How dare he treat me like this? But once I was back in his office with two cups of tea in hand, I couldn't help but smile and hand him the cups as if nothing was wrong.

"Here you go, Landon," I said in a sweet tone, forcing a smile as I looked at him.

He accepted the tea with a grateful smile, as if nothing was amiss. But I knew he saw through me, knew how angry I actually was. And somewhere, deep down, I knew he probably enjoyed it.

Landon's Perspective:

As I sat behind my desk, I took the time to study the details of the case. The file lay in front of me, filled with information about the corporate fraud and breach of contract we would be dealing with. I quickly started making notes, highlighting the key points and considering possible strategies.

As I was focused on my work, I heard the door of my office open softly. My eyes shot up, and I saw Hanna enter, her gaze determined but also filled with irritation. I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. She seemed almost annoyed to be here, as if it were my fault that we had to work on this case together.

She looked beautiful, as always, but I could see the determination in her eyes. She wasn't here to make friends, that was for sure. And honestly, neither was I. But still, I couldn't help but enjoy the idea of teasing her, pushing her out of her comfort zone, and seeing how she would react.

As Hanna took a seat on the other side of my desk, we quietly began to work. Occasionally, we would look up from our files and our gazes would meet briefly. There was an underlying tension between us, a mix of rivalry and curiosity, filling the air in my office. I could almost feel her frustration as we worked, but somewhere deep down, I secretly relished it. The idea of teasing and challenging her while we worked on this case filled me with a sense of excitement I couldn't quite suppress. And as we quietly worked, I knew the days ahead would be interesting.


After we left the café, I looked around. It was a dreary day, the rain steadily falling on the city streets. I hurriedly walked through the pouring rain, my coat ineffective against the downpour. Landon walked beside me, his hair already soaked and his clothes damp from the rain. He had offered to drive me home more than once, but I had politely declined each time.

"I can walk home alone, Landon," I protested, quickening my pace in an attempt to outpace him.

But Landon wouldn't be deterred. "Hanna, it's freezing to walk alone in this rain. Please let me take you home."

His words sounded concerned, but I was too stubborn to admit defeat. "I'll manage," I said determinedly, my voice sharp against the pouring rain.

Suddenly, Landon turned to me, frustration evident in his eyes. "You're so stubborn, Hanna! Why won't you just let me help you?"

His words made me angry. "Because I don't want to depend on you or anyone else!" I shouted back, my voice lost in the sound of the rain.

For a moment, we stood there, drenched and heated, staring at each other in the pouring rain. And then, before I could stop him, Landon grabbed me and lifted me up as if I were nothing more than a feather. I struggled against him, my anger still burning in my chest, but he ignored my resistance and carried me to his car.

He threw me onto the passenger seat and quickly fastened the seatbelt, his movements determined and purposeful. I looked at him, my breathing quick and my heart pounding in my chest.

"What are you doing, Landon?" I asked, my voice trembling with anger and confusion.

He glanced at me briefly, his gaze full of determination. "I'm not letting you walk in this rain. Tell me your address, and then keep quiet."

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