Chapter 8.

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Hanna closed the door of her apartment behind her and sighed deeply. The confrontation with Landon had drained her, but she refused to give in to her exhaustion. She had a long day ahead of her, and she couldn't afford to be distracted by personal issues.

With determined steps, she walked through the busy streets of the city, her thoughts still trapped in the turmoil of the morning. She couldn't get Landon's words out of her head - the frustration, the rejection. It felt like her whole world was falling apart, and she didn't know how to fix it.

Once at the office, she immediately immersed herself in her work, her professional facade tighter than ever. She ignored the curious glances of her colleagues and focused on the piles of files in front of her. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep her thoughts entirely on her work.

In my determination to focus on my work and professional growth, I managed to avoid Landon reasonably well. I chose to minimize my interactions with him and focus mainly on the tasks at hand. Whenever I felt his presence approaching, I skillfully slipped away, muttering excuses and quickly walking away.

It felt like an intricate dance, a game of evasive moves and strategic maneuvers to avoid his proximity. Sometimes it almost seemed like I was a spy in my own office, always alert to his arrival and ready to escape as soon as he got too close.

But no matter how good I was at avoiding Landon, I could never completely escape his presence. There were moments when our paths crossed, moments when I was forced to face him head-on. Every time, I felt that familiar mix of frustration and longing that confused me so much.

I stood by the coffee machine, my hands firmly gripping my mug as I tried not to look up at the entrance to the cafeteria. I knew he was there somewhere, his presence palpable like an electric charge in the air. But I refused to give in to the temptation to look at him, to see his face and meet his eyes.

Instead, I kept my head down, my gaze fixed on the steaming coffee flowing into my mug. I focused on the sound of the sputtering machine, on the scent of fresh coffee hanging in the air. Anything to avoid having to acknowledge that he was there, just a few meters away.

I felt his presence approaching, his steps heavy and confident on the concrete floor of the cafeteria. My heart started beating faster, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through my veins. But I remained steadfast, my eyes fixed on my coffee, my lips pressed tightly together.

He came closer and closer, his shadow looming over me like a threatening cloud. I held my breath, my muscles tense as I forced myself to stand still, not to run away like my instinct told me to.

And then, at the last moment, I turned around and slipped past him, my shoulder lightly brushing against his arm as I quickly walked away. I heard him call my name, his voice a mix of surprise and frustration, but I ignored him, quickening my pace as I ran out of the cafeteria and felt safe in the corridors of the office.

It was late in the office, most of my colleagues had already gone home, but I was still sitting at my desk, surrounded by piles of files and documents. The soft glow of my desk lamp illuminated the room as I concentrated on reviewing the information on the papers.

As I flipped through the files, various thoughts came to mind. I saw potential problems we needed to solve, opportunities we could seize, and strategies we could implement. There was so much work to be done, so many possibilities to move our case forward. And somewhere deep inside, I felt a fire of determination burning, a desire to keep going, even as the rest of the world settled down.

I looked at the clock and realized it was well past office hours. The thought of going home and resting sounded tempting, but still, I felt an irresistible urge to continue. There was still so much to do, so much to achieve, and I knew I had the power to do it.

With a sigh, I pushed aside the fatigue and focused again on the stacks of paper in front of me. I knew it would be a long evening, that I would probably come home late. But I was determined to keep going, to give it my all, even if it meant being alone in the dark office, surrounded by silence and shadows.

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