ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 13

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Prince Atlas, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, led Flora to her room after their enchanting dinner. The door clicked shut behind them, and Flora's heartbeat quickened. "Why did you lock the door?" she asked, her voice trembling. Atlas merely chuckled, his fingers tracing the delicate curve of her cheek. "Relax," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin. "I won't steal a single kiss again until we're officially wed. But for now, my dearest, let's savor this stolen moment-the quiet intimacy of our hearts dancing in the moonlight."

Flora's heart fluttered like a thousand startled butterflies. His touch, gentle yet possessive, lifted her chin Her gaze, once timid, met Prince Atlas's with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability, and suddenly, the world around them blurred into insignificance. In that stolen moment, their eyes became cosmic portals, revealing galaxies and constellations-their own private universe. The air crackled with unspoken promises.

His firm yet tender touch, encircled her waist, pulling her closer. Once again the world around them blurred, and the air thickened with anticipation. Flora's breath hitched, caught between surprise and desire. Prince Atlas's gaze, like a moth drawn to a flame, lingered on Flora's cherry-soft lips. His breath hitched, mirroring Flora's, as he leaned in-his lips a mere breath away from hers. But then, reality crashed upon them like a storm at sea. With a wistful smile, he released her waist, the promise he'd made echoing in the chamber: no kisses until their union was sealed by vows.

His lips brushed her forehead, a chaste imprint of longing. His voice, husky and intimate, whispered secrets against her skin. "Fear not, my love," he murmured. "Soon, you shall be wholly mine." Flora trembled, caught between desire and duty, as his hot breath trailed down her spine. The prince chuckled, a regal sound that resonated through the room, and retreated to his own chamber-a sovereign leaving his mark on her heart.

She woke up from her sleep by hearing a knock on her door. Flora said 'come in' and maid Clara came with a letter and a gown. Flora's eyes went to the letter as she took it from Clara and started to read it..It was from her mother. The room was bathed in a soft morning glow, and Flora's heart fluttered with anticipation. The delicate parchment crinkled as she unfolded the letter, her mother's elegant handwriting coming to life before her eyes. The words danced across the page, carrying with them memories of home, of laughter in sun-dappled gardens, and the scent of jasmine on warm breezes.

My Dearest Flora,

I hope this letter finds you well in the grand halls of Ivor palace. Your father and I miss you dearly, our little wildflower who bloomed unexpectedly in royal soil. How fares your heart, my love?

News has reached our humble village of your growing connection with Prince Atlas. The whispers of court intrigue and disapproval have not escaped our ears. But remember, my dear, that love knows no boundaries. It is a force that defies kingdoms and titles.

Hold fast to your convictions, Flora. You are more than a queen; you are a woman with dreams, desires, and a spirit that cannot be contained within castle walls. Trust your heart, even when the world conspires against it.

And now, the gown enclosed is a piece of our love-a tapestry woven with threads of hope and resilience. Wear it proudly, my daughter, for it carries the strength of generations.

With all my love,


Flora clutched the letter to her chest, tears blurring the ink. Her mother's wisdom echoed through the room, urging her to follow her heart. She glanced at the gown, its fabric shimmering like moonlight on a tranquil lake. Perhaps it held secrets, whispered promises of a future she dared to embrace.

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