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Khalani's POV

I woke up 10 minutes ago and right now I'm packing my bag to go to work. I'm a nurse and I work at Kingston Public Hospital (KPH). I just offically turned a nurse two months ago but money is kinds tight bc it's four of us. I have three younger siblings that are still in school.

Our parents died in a plane crash a year ago so ever since I have been the one taking care of them. The second oldest the Mora she is 16 and then you have Cassandra she is 10 and the last child is Brody he is 8, anyways enough about that.

After I finished packing my bag I went to wake up my siblings because they have school. After I woke them up I went downstairs into the kitchen and quickly made breakfast.

About five minutes later and the kids are done eating. I woke up at 5:00 and now it's 5:50. We got in the car and drove out.

I dropped off the kids and then head to work. When I get to work I go and sign in and go to my office.


Zayden's POV

"Cover me Zay! Mi ago help yuh mada ova deh suh!" My father says to me, we are at war with our biggest enemy Loronzo

I do as my father says shooting and hitting the men on the other side. Seconds after I hear screams coming from our side, I turn to look and I was shocked by the scene infront of me..

I saw my father and mother bleeding out on the floor and my sister putting pressure on the wound.

I signal Gino to cover me while I go over to my parents. When I get over there my sister in in tears, I give her the car keys and take up my parents with the help of one of Shakka.

When I get in the car with my sister I speed off to the hospital. When I get there my sister quickly get out the car and calls two of the nurses inside.

They come out with two beds and put my parents on it. As wi a guh inside mi si wah sexy girl a walk come out a wah office an a look.

When she si wah gwan she turn back an put down are handbag and come help. Mi did affi stop an look pan ar because dah gyal yah sexy man

bredda you a look pan gyal an yuh parents a rush guh Inna emergency room a wah duh yuh yute?! My subconscious says

I laugh and turn back to my parents


Khalani's POV

My shift is over and I'm finally ready to go home. My siblings took the bus home bc my shift ends at 6. Exactly as I walked out of my office I saw two people been rushed into the emergency room.

Shocked my how fast everything was happening I turned back and put down my handbag and rushed back out asking what was going on.

As I was listening I stop this sexy, handsome man looking at me.

Girl focus!! You a look pan man instead a focus pan wah gwan yah now! My subconscious says

I laugh to myself doing what my subconscious says and focusing on the event occurring before me

We arrived at the emergency room and they are bleeding out badly, as the nurses are closing the door the same man that was looking on me starts cursing drawing my attention

"LET MI IN OR ELSE MI AGO SHOOT UP DAH PLACE YAH SEH BET AND MI DO IT" he says pulling his gun out his waist. I tell the nurses to let him in and then do so.


Hey guys!! For the first chapter how did I do?

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