Arc 1. Chapter 6. Epilogue

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Ayanokoji Pov:

"Good work, Kiyotaka-kun."
The chairman said while clapping his hand.

"So do you trust me now?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Alright then! It would be horrible if my daughter's future husband didn't like me!"

"Sadly, I am not going to become her husband."

"That's what the tsunderes say. Now if you don't mind us, what do you think of the cloaked man?"

He ignored what I just said and interrogated me.

A cloaked man attacking this school, and talking about me?
I think there is only one possible reason for this.

"The whiteroom might be still alive."
I replied.

Chabashira-sensei eyes widened while the Chairman was calm.

"That is what I believe as well. If that is the case, you have to remain vigilant. Kiyotaka-kun."
He told me.

"Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you."

He uttered these words. I suppose I could believe it since this school created the best pokemon trainer in the world, Ash Ketchum. Although he was a transfer.

"But more importantly, how did that thing survive?"
I asked the most important question.
They started thinking about it deeply.

"Well, if we want to learn how they survived. Then we have got to learn how they died, Don't we?"

Chairman stated.

Both of them looked at me, probably asking me to recite the from all those years ago.

"Do I really have to?"
I asked them. I don't want to remember my time there.

"I apologize, Kiyotaka-kun. But we need to learn how the Whiteroom ended."
He answered.

So I really have to do this huh?
I groaned.

"Alright, it all happened on February 10, 2012."

Kiyotaka Pov:

"Alright, all of you. It's time for the battle training."

The instructor said.

It was a normal day in the whiteroom, with only six of us remaining.
Little did I know this day will change my life.

"Everyone, get to your positions. The first battle is Ayanokoji versus Yuki."

I did as I was instructed, and went to the blue podium while Yuki went to the red one.

"Now, sent out your pokemon in 3....2.. .1 Go!"

"Garchomp, stand by for battle."

"Flygon, I choose you!"

The two ground dragon types eject out of their pokeballs, ready for their battle.

"Garchomp, fly up and use flamethrower on Flygon."

Garchomp entered the sky and blasted bursts of fire at the fellow ground dragon type.

"Flygon, draco meteor!"

Flygon sent out a purple ball of energy towards the sky, and then the ball bursted into many beams of energy.

"Garchomp, dodge and deflect them onto Flygon again."

Garchomp dodged the meteors and deflected some of them back to flygon.

The meteor directly struck Flygon and caused it to lose its balance.

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