Arc 2 chapter 7. The literature club

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Ayanokoji pov:

I went out of the classroom, to see Suzune waiting there.

"You certainly took your time."
She remarked.

"It was only 2 minutes."
I said.

"Haven't you heard the term never make a lady wait?"

She said.

"Alrigth alright, let's go to the club fair already."
I told her.

We started to walk towards the gymnassium, not making much talk.
Some students started gossiping about us, but Suzune's glare immediately stopped them.

"Interested in joining any club?"
I asked her.

"Hm? I guess I could try joining the researching club if there is one."
She replied.

I was surprised by the fact she was actually interested in joining a club, what a shocker. I thought she would say that she would join only a karate club if there is one or something.

"What about you?"
She questioned.

"Hm? I will probably join a literature club." I answered.

"Oh? I thought you would pick a club that is related to pokemons. But it makes sense. You usually read in your free ime. "
She remarked.

Perfect, a teasing opportunity.

"Oh? You are looking at me during your free time?" I teased.

"Wha- Don't be delusional, Ayanokoji-kun. I was just curious about what you were doing."
She said, but her face was looking away from me.

"Keep making excuses, tsun-tsune~"
It seems like that was too much as Suzune tried to stab with a compass once more, but I dodged it.

"What? Did You think I'd just stand there and take it?"
I mocked.

She grunted before taking her compass back.

After a while, we reached the gymnasium.

After reaching the gymnasium, we waited for the announcement to be made. Meanwhile, we made some small talk.

"Oh, Ayanokoji-kun!"
A familiar voice came from behind.

Oh no, the blonde-girl and some other girls are here too... I am done for. They saw me with Suzune...

"Are you going to join a club too?"
He inquired. He looked at me with an apologetic face that told me he is sorry for what is about to occur.

God, just when I thought he couldn't get more admirable. Now I would accept a confession from him with more passion... (No homo.)

"So... Want to explain why you were with-"
The blonde started but I quickly interrupted her.

"Horikita asked me to come along with her." I directed the blame to Suzune. I intentionally used her family name to make it seem like we were just acquaintances. Suzune stared at me with anger, but I did not meet her eye.

"Anyway, I have to go somewhere now. See you all."
I told them as I ran away into the crowd, escaping from the group.

While running, I bumped into someone.

"... Ike?"
I blurted out upon seeing him.

"Eh? Ayanokoji? Why are you here?"
He questioned me.

"Well, I wanted to join a club. Duh."
I answered.

"Tch. Leave that guy. He is annoying." Yamatrash said.

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