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Suga Ibadat was in one car
Aroosh and Ayeza were in Van
Jhope and jin were with Jennifer in her car
Jimin and RM were in the back of Aroosh and Ayeza's Van with their recording equipment V and Jungkook were following Jin, Jhope and Jennifer  they all were connected through the call
Suga ibadat and Aroosh weren't feeling good Jennifer left the car with jhope and Jin and went straight to the club

Aroosh went to Ibadat and knocked at her car's Window ibadat opend the window and said " What happened Aroosh " She looked at ibadat and said " I swear ibadat I don't know but I'm not feeling good please you both stay safe if anything happened just leave that plan or anything and give him the money just stay safe " Suga looked at Aroosh and said " Aroosh can't we just give him the money and left I'm also not feeling good? " Ibadat looked at both of them and said " Don't say anything understand? Nothing is going to happen and don't worry everything will go as we planned inshallah " Aroosh said " But ibadat " But ibadat didn't let her speak further and said " Aroosh enough don't feel negative where is your faith ? Don't you believe in Allah? I know my Rab and I believe him even if something happen it'll happen for good can't you both just understand" Aroosh looked at her with worried eyes and said " I'm leaving you both in the Care of Allah may Allah protect you both" With that she caressed ibadats face and went straight to her Van.
Suga looked at ibadat and said " My love why aren't you understand " Ibadat glared at him and said " First don't address me with something like that if I died today it'll be ...... " Suga interrupted and said " I'll die before you " Ibadat looked at him and said " At least let me complete " Suga said " You think I'll let you? " She looked at him with the most innocent look and said " Nothing is going to happen Try to understand I believe in my Rab you should trust him too " Suga said " Tell me one thing ibadat I'm a siner if I call your Rab he'll listen to me? " Ibadat felt her heart beat skipped and she said " He's my Rab the most merciful, most kind, who love us more then 70 mothers just try once he himself said in Quran   Surah Al-Baqarah (2:186) in the Quran, where Allah says: "And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be guided."  Subhan Allah

Suga looked at ibadat and said " But I'm a siner I did Haram things too I even do drink " Ibadat said "   Surah Az-Zumar (39:53) of the Quran: "Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'" Masha Allah

Suga was just listening to ibadat but somehow his heart was trying to call upon he was about to say something to ibadat but his phone rang and it was RM suga picked up the call and said " Yes what happened? " He said " Jennifer found him " Ibadat and Suga became all serious and started listing what's going on "

Jennifer entered but found him now where Jhope and Jin were there too but far from her

Jennifer sat down there on a chair and asked water to bring a Cocktail for her " Water looked at Jennifer from head to toe she was indeed beautiful and said " Are you free tonight " But before she said anything someone speaks from her behind and said " No she's with me " Jennifer looked at him and smiled cause he was " Lee Hyuk " Who just grabbed her by her waist

Jin and jhope become alert but Jin felt a wave of anger in his body as he touched her He was glaring at Jennifer and Lee Hyuk and broke the glass of wine he was holding  his hand was bleeding as Jennifer saw that she secretly signaled jhope to come near him some people were staring at him  
As Lee Hyuk saw him he recognised jin

Lee Hyuk looked at Jennifer and said " You are beautiful I swear " She smirked and removed his hand from her waist and said " I know it tell me something new " He smiled at him and said " You are my type you know that " She laughed seductive at him and said " I'm everyone's type " He smiled and said " That's also true but " She looked at him and said " But what? " He smirked and said " But you are only mine today " With that he again tried to hold her but she took a step back while smirking and said " No no no touching allowed until I found something special in you " He looked at her with confused look and asked her " What special you are looking for " She laughed with covering her face with Palm and whispered in his ear " Give me something precious to you then I'll think about you " He smiled and looked at her and said " What you want " She said " What you have? " He said " I don't have anything for now but after sometime I'll get everything back" She laughed and said " How? " He said " You know Suga from BTS? " She nodded her head he said " He'll give me the big amount of money " She laughed and said " As if you are that popular to know him? " He smiled and showed her a pendrive and said " You know what's that?? "Jennifer looked at pendrive and said " How can I? " He laughed evily and said " He's the key to control him he's in my hand " With that he laughed even more and Jennifer felt like to give him a hard slap but she just smiled and said " Any proof? " He said " Need proof then follow me "

Tawakkul-o-ta'at //Suga ' NovelWhere stories live. Discover now