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After completing Umrah with the help of supervisor Suga rushed back to Korea because ibadat's situation was still sensitive

It's been more then 24 hours since ibadat was out of danger but she still didn't opened her eyes and everyone was worried 

Doctor was checking on her time to time but she wasn't opening her eyes
Doctor sent Ibadat for an ECG and report shows that she's in Coma because of blood loss

No one knows that when ibadat will open her eyes
When will she talk to her family and everyone

As Suga was in the middle of the way so no one told him about ibadat's situation

As he landed Korea he rushed towards Hospital
He reached the hospital entrance jin was standing there to pick him up and he was so shocked after looking at Suga he was wearing Jubba with Safa Holding Tasbeeh in his hand wearing Black glasses
(Don't think he's smiling)

As he landed Korea he rushed towards HospitalHe reached the hospital entrance jin was standing there to pick him up and he was so shocked after looking at Suga he was wearing Jubba with Safa Holding Tasbeeh in his hand wearing Black glasses (Don't...

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Jin was looking at him with widely opened eyes he was looking completely changed and he was shivering his eyes we're puffy and red he was reciting Astagfirullah  in his Tasbih with his trembling lips

He looked at Jin and went to him and asked " Where is ibadat? Is she alright?? Can I see her?? Can I meet with her? What does the doctor said?? When I can Take her home??? " Jin held his hand and said " Clam down clam down Suga she's out of danger but " Suga looked at Jin with a confused look on his face and said " But what hyung??? " Jin took a deep breath and said " But,,,,, doctor said that,, she's in,,,,, " It was hard for Jin to tell Suga about ibadat's situation Suga again looked at Jin with worried eyes and asked " What hyung please tell me clearly I'm so worried " Jin sighed and said " Doctor said she's in,,,,,,,,,coma,,,,,,,,because of blood loss but she'll be better soon " As Suga heard this his legs started trembling shaking badly he went on his knees and said " Ya Allah,,,,,,oh My Allah what's going on,,?,,,My ibadat she's in pain Ya Allah,,,,, she's in pain my Rab,,,,,, Ya Allah please give All her pain to me,,,,,,,,,,and make her painless!!,,,,,I'm ready to Take all her pain on me for the rest of my life just make her happy , health and painless please Ya Rab please My Allah " With that he again started reciting Astagfirullah in his tasbeeh
Suga is a new reverted muslim he knows nothing what to do what to not

Jin asked Suga " Did you accept islam just because of ibadat? " Suga said " No I didn't accept the islam become of ibadat I accepted islam cause my Allah my Rab found me lost and guided me You don't even know hyung how merciful My Rab is,,,he accepted me after my sins I always deny his existence but He accepted me I don't know if he forgave me or not but I'll try my best to get forgiveness from him cause indeed Allah is reality and he is the most merciful most loving I know " He held his head a tear roll down from his eyes and he again started reciting Astagfirullah

Ibadat's father was standing there and looking at Suga silently he listened to what he prayed and said about Allah (SWT)

Suga looked up and saw ibadat's father standing there he didn't say anything and stand up and went to him and looked deep in his eyes and said " I'm sorry please forgive me sir, ,,,,,,........I'm the reason of your daughters situation" He said this all with tears in his eyes Ibadat's father put his hand on his shoulder and said " It's not your fault my son it was written by Allah in my beloved daughters destiny and I know my daughter she's brave she'll be alright don't worry my son don't worry "

Tawakkul-o-ta'at //Suga ' NovelWhere stories live. Discover now