1 million thank yous

435 22 10

Hi everyone! It's literally been years since I've written anything on here, but I really had to for this : my silly little fanfiction reached a million reads a few days ago.

I can't believe it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!!!!

Thank you to those who read it when I was still figuring out the plot and taking months to update ; thank you to those who encouraged 17 years old me ( :'( ) to complete this work ; thank you to those who continued reading and commenting through the years.

I'm not using wattpad anymore but I do come on here from time to time to scroll through the comments and reminisce and you guys never fail to warm my heart. I'm almost 24 years old now, this fic just turned 7 years old a few months ago (time is not real), and yet you guys are still!!! here!!!

From the bottom of my heart, once again, a million thank yous. I truly appreciate you all so much <3

(Also, I don't know if anyone is wondering, but I still stan BTS, I still read taekook fanfiction basically everyday, and I feel like those boys will never let me go :'))

bisous bisous from your local french speaking, taekook obsessed writer <3

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