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Taehyung's house
8:29 pm

Jeongguk sighed, slightly annoyed. Taehyung has been chatting with his "amour" for more than an hour now. The brunet groaned, stuffing his face into his friend's pillow. He was trying not to be bitter about the fact that his, dare he say it, crush had a boyfriend. He's known the guy for a week and he damned himself for getting so attached.

Jeongguk bit his lips. He got very close to Taehyung in just a week and he dumbly thought he perhaps had a chance with the frenchie. I'm so dumb. Jeongguk took out his phone and sighed again.
He wasn't pissed off at the fact that Taehyung had a boyfriend, not that much anyway. He just found a bit rude that the blonde boy completely dumbed him the last hour.

"Oui, oui! Je t'appelle demain. Promis. Oui, moi aussi. Je t'aime. Bisous, mon amour." Taehyung said as he got back in the room, making kissy noises at his phone. Jeongguk didn't get a word he said but still rolled his eyes in annoyance. Taehyung glanced at him and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry to be calling for long time..." the blondie mumbled while scratching his neck. "It is my hum..." Taehyung glanced at Jeongguk, searching for the right words. "Small friend, oui ? Petit ami, it is what we are say in french !"

Jeongguk felt angry at his heart for completely melting. "It's boyfriend." Taehyung shoot him his boxy smile. "Oh yeah !"

Taehyung sat on the bed, leaning closer to his friend. "Is okay, Jeonggukie ?" Jeongguk smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'm a bit tired." The blonde boy grinned and cupped Jeongguk's cheek, squishing them. "Trop chou !" he exclaimed, his eyes disappearing from the force of his smile. "What does that mean ?" Jeongguk said, his anger from being ignored vanishing as quickly as it came.

"It's meaning so cute, oui ? Cute manière to saying cute."

"So basically, chou is a cute way to say cute ?"

Taehyung seemed to concentrate for a bit before nodding, smiling.

"Let's go making pasta !!" he shouted, and Jeongguk didn't bother to correct him. The english mistakes were almost as cute as Taehyung's accent.


SOPA high school
7:59 am

"Hello my dearest Jeonggukie, how are you doing on this fine morning ?" Hoseok exclaimed, putting his arms around Jeongguk's shoulders as the brunet entered the school, earbuds  in his ears and grumpy look on his face like every morning.

"Get away from me, you ball of happiness. It's too early for your shit."

"Oh my Jeonggukie, why are you so horrible to me" Hoseok whined, wrapping his entire body around Jeongguk and making a weird pouty face. "Let go of me !" Jeongguk exclaimed, chuckling a little. The older guy laughed and got up, the two friends walking together to the school's main building.

"Bonjour !" a cheery voice exclaimed behind them. Jeongguk's heart flipped. "Bonjour, Taetae !" Hoseok almost yelled. The youngest boy smiled shyly and mumbled a small bonjour at his crush. The group of friends made a deal of always saying good morning in french just to please their new classmate. And it totally wasn't Jeongguk's idea.

Taehyung beamed at them and walked closer, kissing both of Hoseok's cheeks and then both of Jeongguk's. The brunet always went totally crimson when the frenchie did that, even though he knew that's how all french people greet each other.

The three friends walked to the hall together, Hoseok walking to Yoongi to go to their class, leaving Jeongguk and Taehyung together. The blondie was chatting happily, Jeongguk concentrating to try and understand everything his friend was saying.

While staring at Taehyung's lips as he spoke, Jeongguk thought he couldn't wait to be the next morning so the frenchie could kiss his cheeks again.

do you like it so far? :)
thanks for almost 300 reads, it's not that much but it makes me happy
sorry the chapters are short :/

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