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I've never had such a hard time deciding what to wear.

I'm current lying face down splayed on my bed, multiple articles of clothing surrounding me.

I've gone through every single item of clothing in my closet and I can't find a single thing to wear.

I'm very nervous to meet Lewis's family if that isn't obvious and to make it worse everything in my closet is suddenly not acceptable to wear in my eyes.

We spent so much time karting that we didn't have time to go out for lunch- we opted to have a small lunch here.

I head my door opening "Are you- oh." Lewis starts chuckling at me and I'm glad I can't see him.

I groan in annoyance into the bed because I still have no idea what to wear.

I gasp as I feel two hands on my waist- Lewis easily picking me up and placing me on my feet.

"Hey! I was thinking of what to wear."

"Without looking at your clothes?"

Okay maybe he has a point, but I've looked at all my clothes and there's nothing. 

I look through my clothes again and Lewis does so as well "What about this?" He holds up a white dress with a little blue floral designs on it.

It is a really nice thigh length dress, not too short for a family gathering.

"Do you think it's okay?" I look for his approval.

He walks up to me with the dress "Lilah- It doesn't matter what I think." One of his hands comes to rest on my side.

"But I think it will look beautiful on you."

I blush and look away briefly "Thank you." He hands me the dress and I go to the en-suite bathroom to go for a shower.

I do a very quick everything shower because I don't want to run out of time and still be getting ready when people start arriving

Lewis must be keeping Luca occupied because I haven't heard a thing from him and usually he interrupts me when I'm getting ready quite a lot, even when he has other people looking after him he finds a way to get to me.

But not when he's with Lewis.

I don't want to just impose a father role on Lewis but I feel like Luca is starting to see him as one. I really hope Lewis doesn't leave us- I mean we aren't even in a relationship.

I don't him to leave like Luca's father did before he was even born.

I apply a little makeup and start curling my lashes as I'm doing that I hear Lewis and Luca giggling outside my door.

I hear the door opening quietly and I think they are trying to sneak up on me.

I lean further into the counter to look in the mirror as I apply my mascara. Fully focusing ahead so they think they can scare me.

I can just hear their footsteps getting closer.



I dramatically gasp as I look down to see Luca grinning up at me as he hits my leg lightly to startle me.

I pretend to be very scared and this makes Luca giggle.

"It's only us mama!" He tries to reassure me and I laugh with him.

"You two really scared me!" I gasp as I look between them- setting my mascara down.

"Lewis, do tickle monster." I hear Luca whisper to him and I furrow my brows. Lewis starts evilly grinning.

I start slowly shaking my head to Lewis who starts approaching me slowly.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now