twenty three

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Lewis has been away for a business trip for a few days now but is set to return tomorrow. It was some dinner and meeting he had to attend followed by an event within his team.

We've been keeping up via FaceTime and little text messages here and there but today he must've been really busy because he hasn't responded to any of my messages.

In the morning it was understandable but as the day went by I was getting more and more concerned.

When Luca got home from a school he was eager to do our daily FaceTime call with Lewis. I tried explaining to him that he was busy and didn't answer my messages but he insisted I tried anyway.

When I did try Luca was disappointed that he didn't pick up.

When in reality I know he declined it.

Of course I didn't tell Luca that- I said he wouldn't have his phone with him at important meetings. I reassured him I would try again before he went to bed.

I was trying to be understanding that he is of course busy, but how busy could he possibly be to be unable to send a quick 'sorry I'm busy' text- it would only take a few seconds.

Night time rolled around and there was still no response from Lewis- given it was pretty early because it was Luca's bedtime but usually Lewis would send a goodnight voice message for Luca seeing as he knew when he went to bed.

"Goodnight, I love you." I kiss Luca's forward, slightly anxious as I await for him to inevitably bring up Lewis.

"I love you too- did Lewis message?" He asks looking up at me with the cutest eyes ever. How can I say no to that.

"Yeah, he sent me a voice message just for you, do you want to listen to it?" I ask making my expression more excited.

I'll just have to play one of the old ones and hope he doesn't notice.

"Yes, yes, yes!" He exclaims happy that Lewis has finally responded.

It warms my heart how excited he is to hear from Lewis. I go on my phone and scroll up in my messages quite a bit to find one of the voice messages to play.

Luca lies down in the bed comfortably waiting for it to play. As soon as it starts playing he starts smiling to himself as he closes his eyes.

"Hey Luca, how are you? I hope you're being a good boy for your pretty mama. I miss you and I'll see you soon. Goodnight buddy."

That was one of the shorter ones. Short and sweet but left Luca feeling very happy and satisfied enough to go to bed.

"Tell him I miss him too." Luca smile sleepily as he closes his eyes again and I smile warmly at him. I kiss his forehead.

"I will, goodnight."


I close the door to his room softly and let out a little sigh as I look back down at our chats.

I keep my promise and send him a little message telling him that Luca wanted me to tell him how much he misses him. It goes straight to delivered like the rest of the messages I've sent him today

Before I can get downstairs my phone starts ringing. My heart skips a beat assuming it will be Lewis.

However my stomach drops realising it's not him and instead Eloise.

"Hello?" I ask confused why she would be calling me right now, usually she texts first because she's not a fan of phone calls.

"Hey are you okay?" She asks and I furrow my brows in even more confusion at her words.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now