Chapter 14: Charon

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Disclaimer:This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story will be Slash.

Beta: noirekitsune

Chapter 14 – Charon

Harry was lazing about in his bed. He was back home, and he wanted to take advantage of the last days of his vacation to laze about. No matter how much he liked to study, he loved these moments where he could just do nothing at all. Moments like these were rare at the orphanage when he was younger, so he treasured them.

Unfortunately, his little moment of peace couldn't last forever. An insistent tapping at the window made him get up. Grumbling about needy and overprotective Court members, he opened the window. However, instead of an owl from a member of his Court, a crow flew in, landing on his desk.

Harry looked at the animal for several seconds, until the bird cawed, waking him from his contemplative state.

"Hey there, beautiful," Harry murmured, walking towards the bird, not taking his eyes off it. It was truly a beautiful bird, it's feathers were midnight black, though Harry could make out a few deep blue, almost black, feathers intermixed with the rest. It's eyes were blood red and Harry knew that the crow couldn't be an ordinary bird. It had to be magical, "What do you got there?" he asked, and the bird lifted it's leg, showing him a letter tied to it.

Harry removed it, stroking the bird's breast feathers. When the animal was freed from the missive, he took flight and landed on Harry's shoulder. Looking at the bird curiously, Harry opened the letter.

'My dear little King,

I confess that these last few days I have been thinking about you more than I thought possible. My curiosity and interest have been awakened and I don't think that they will be sated anytime soon.

Your theories, your ideas, your beliefs intrigue me. I find all of it fascinating. More than once, when I am surrounded by these sycophants, I find myself wishing to still be in that tent talking with you.

It is an incredibly frustrating situation for someone like me.

However, one way or another, I always get what I want. Since your physical presence is not something that I can have, at least at the moment, then I will have to content myself with this form of communication.

Tell me Harry, how did you convince pureblood supremacists to accept muggleborns? What do you think about muggles? What plans do you have for the future? These are only a few of the questions that I wish to ask you.

I believe it best to warn you that I will not be satisfied until I have an answer to all of my questions, no matter how long it takes to get them.

On a completely unrelated note, the crow that delivered this letter is for you. I thought about getting you an owl, however, I think that for someone as unique as yourself, something as mundane as an owl would just not do. Consider it a belated birthday gift.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Tomas Nacht'

Distractedly, Harry petted the crow again.

Tomas Nacht. Harry would be lying if he said that his heart hadn't started beating faster when he saw whom the letter was from. He found the man fascinating. He was intelligent, charming, and his magic! Even when it was under the man's complete control, it was possible to feel how tantalizing it was. He was sure that if the man was a Death Eater, he was an Inner Circle Death Eater. He doubted that Voldemort would let a man like Tomas Nacht be anything other than an Inner Circle member. Such magic and intellect would be wasted anywhere else.

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