Chapter 17: Missing You

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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story has Slash.

Chapter 17 – Missing you

"Crucio." he let the screams of the muggles invade his senses, drowning everything else. His Death Eaters taking several steps back when they felt the overwhelming anger in his magic.

At the moment though he didn't care. He was far to enraged to think clearly, far to infuriated to control his magic. His hand tightened around the letter he had received moments before and his magic swirled around him violently.

"Leave." his voice was no more than a whisper but all the Death Eaters present heard him. They dispersed so fast that it looked as if they had apparated. He ignored the whimpering and drooling muggles on the floor and sank down on his throne.

Logically he knew he was overreacting. But even so he couldn't help it.

Again his thoughts drifted to the contents of the letter. The words were branded in his mind.

'Dear Mr. Nacht,

About my parseltongue ability; yes, I have known for a very long time that I was able to speak to snakes. My very first friend was a small garden snake. Of course the other boys at the orphanage couldn't stand the fact that something made me happy so they killed her. Needless to say that it was one of the last things the person responsible ever did. I can still hear the screams...

Knowing that Voldemort was able to do it just makes me more fond of the gift. Though you were right, many students look at me with fear. It is nothing new to me, however it may hinder some of my plans. I have my court smoothing things out. I will have to do something to reward them. I know they wish for nothing, but loyalty should always be rewarded, do you not think so?

The Slytherins on the other hand... They were loyal before, now they worship me. Of course there had been quite a few that had already been far more loyal than all the others, but now it's all of them. The younger ones especially. They are like little puppies trailing behind the Court, so innocent. It makes me want to taint them. Break them. Make them kneel and beg...

Luckily I have my little dog to entertain me, otherwise I think my court would have suffered the burn of my twisted desires. Though something tells me that even if that had happened they wouldn't have complained. It is invigorating knowing that I own them completely. They have given themselves to me, not holding anything back. They know I own them and they love it.

I wonder; is this what Voldemort felt when he had his Death Eaters on their knees in front of him?

I'm quite happy to know that you enjoyed the show, especially the part after the first task. Tell me Mr. Nacht; did you want to kiss me? Have you been thinking about it? Do the thoughts about kissing me, having me, consume your every waking moment?

Until you can truthfully say that it does, I do not think that you can have me. Even then... for you to have me I would have to find you just as consuming.

Do not be mistaken however... you will never own me.

No one will ever own me.

We will have a Yule Ball, apparently it is tradition. A way for the students of all schools to mingle outside of classes.

As a champion I am obliged to participate. I wonder who will have to pleasure of my company. Either way I'm sure we will have... fun. My very first date, it is bound to be exciting, don't you think?

The Rise of a Dark Lord by LittleMissXandaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora