Chapter 21: With a bang

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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story has Slash. Violence and torture too.

Chapter 21 – With a bang

Harry was a little surprised when he went down to dinner and saw Sirius sitting at the table looking as if someone had killed his puppy. Usually he wouldn't have paid all that much attention to it, his godfather was slightly over-dramatic on occasion, however seeing Remus looking quite similar was a bit strange.

"Is something wrong?" he asked after he sat down.

Sirius and Remus shared a look, both looking resigned and a little scared, that more than anything picked Harry's interest. There were very few things that scared both men.

"We just came from a meeting with Dumbledore." Remus told him, "He had some concerning news to give us."

"What is it?" not even trying to hide his curiosity.

"Voldemort's back." Sirius told him grimly.

"What?" he was gaping, he was sure of it, but he couldn't stop it. How did the old man know? He had suspected that the meetings that Dumbledore had been having with Sirius and Remus were somehow related with Tom, but how could Dumbledore be sure of it?

"Dumbledore has suspected for a while now, however he got confirmation a few hours ago." Remus explained. Well that settled it than, someone had talked.

"Alright." Harry said, doing his best to appear rather unconcerned, though he was itching to torture someone. He wasn't all that happy with the confirmation that they had been betrayed.

"There's more," Sirius added, looking almost fearful, "Dumbledore asked if we could use Grimmauld as Headquarters. My family was paranoid so this thing is more protected than Gringotts, so it would make a perfect Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. I agreed. I know we talked about which side to pick, I know that you aren't really light, but I don't want to burn all our bridges. If Voldemort wants to kill you, you'll need all the help you can get." Sirius tried to explain his reasoning, but Harry wasn't really paying any attention to it. He couldn't get over the fact that he would be living in the enemy's Headquarters.

He tried, he really did, but he couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from his mouth. This, this was just too perfect. He was laughing so hard that his sides were starting to hurt and when he looked up and saw Sirius and Remus looking at him as if he had gone round the bent he just laugh harder.

He was sure that Tom would be just as delighted with this outcome.

He brought himself under control and smiled at both Marauders.

"We need to have a conversation," he told them, smile plastered on his face, "Some things happened over the last... well, months actually, that you need to know. The Ouroboros are stepping on stage and you'll be doing your part."

Both men looked at him, slightly apprehensive. Harry didn't really blame them, it was one thing to suspect that he wasn't quite the normal fourteen year old, it was another thing to know it. But they had chosen to follow him and he couldn't keep them in the dark, well, metaphorically speaking of course.

"As of the day of the third task, I took my place as a Dark Lord." he told them bluntly. It was better that way, there was no need to beat around the bush, it had absolutely nothing to do with wanting to see their gob-smack looks, no, nothing at all... even if they were rather amusing, "Later that day," he continued before they could get over their shock, "While I was missing, I was having a meeting with the Dark Lord Voldemort." he was completely ignoring the fact that he had been kidnapped, it sounded far more impressive if he said he had been in a meeting. A meeting implied that the people involved had gone voluntarily, "We agreed on a partnership, since we have similar goals for the Wizarding World."

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